  • 學位論文


The Study of the Influential Factors on Farmland Price-The Case of I-Lan County

指導教授 : 陳政位


隨著經濟發展、人口增加與都市化程度變遷,農業用地面臨非農業使用的競爭,各種用地之價格以農業用地價格為最低,農地價格低受預期轉用及區位影響最大,農地轉用會對農地價格影響主要來自於土地利用方式不同,當農地預期轉為住宅用或是以農舍方式作為住宅使用時,農地價格將反映轉用後的價值,而此價格高於限制農業使用之農地價格。 本研究希望了解預期轉用心理下,住宅用地價格對農地價格之影響,以及農業發展條例與農業用地興建農舍辦法相關規範對農地價格之影響,同時選定宜蘭縣作為研究對象。由於宜蘭縣都市發展程度的差異,造成住宅用地價格落差大,農地交易頻繁且主要作為興建農舍使用,有利於分析相關因素在不同發展都市化程度下所造成影響是否有所不同。 為深入了解農地價格是否受住宅用地、建築用地價格與農地面積影響,本研究收集內政部不動產交易實價查詢系統所登載,宜蘭縣2012年Q3至2015年Q2三年間成交案例資料加以整理,並以多元迴歸模型進行分析,以期了解農地價格是否受相關因素影響,同時探討在不同都市化程度下,影響力是否不同,並期待實證資料研究結果,能提供作為未來政策制定之參考。


With economy development, population increase and urbanization, the use of the farmland for agricultural cultivation purposes is supplanted for non-agriculture utilization. Especially, farmland priced is the cheapest for farming purposes comparing with other alternatives, and the level in valuation is influenced significantly by both of expected alternative usages and location. Meanwhile, it is worth paying attention to the effect of expected conversion use in farmland on farmland price. As farmland is expected to be converted for residential or farmhouse purposes, it will be priced with the consideration of conversion value which is higher than that limited for farming use. The objective of this study under the case of Yilan County is to analyze the impacts of residential-usage price on farmland price when the Agriculture Development Ordinance and the Farmhouse Construction in Farming Land Regulation are in effect. The reason for choosing Yilan County for investigation is due to differential urbanization around the county. Such differences may cause different valuation in residential prices and the frequencies in transactions in farmland. As a result, the influential factors on farmland prices of villages under different urbanization can be found. With the methodology of multiple regression, the data of transacted farmland prices in Yilan County is collected from the real estate appraiser system of Ministry of the Interior in Taiwan during the period of 2012 Q3-2015 Q2. The result is found that the degree of urbanization has significant impacts on farmland prices.


