  • 學位論文


A Study on Organizational Restructuring of Taiwan’s Maritime Affairs Administration

指導教授 : 周繼祥


1994年國際海洋法公約生效後,世界各海洋國家認知到海洋對於國家發展的無比重要性,均積極且戮力的檢討本身海洋事務相關作為,紛紛針對本身的行政組織、以及事涉海洋事務相關的法制和制度化作整合;我國無論官方及產、學界及NGO、NPO等亦長期努力;然而海洋事務面向廣泛,牽動著國家整體綜合國力提升及行政資源配置,組織定位爭議不歇。目前我國海洋事務權責分散於各個行政機關主管,國家必須因應國際局勢及世界潮流,積極研議海洋行政組織的設置,改進原來權責分散、事權不一的狀況,在政策及執行面上均應符合國家未來發展需求。 2015年6月通過立法卻又因故暫緩施行的「海洋委員會」組織四法及目前立法院已完成提案尚待審議的「海洋及漁業部」組織法草案,究竟哪種組織型態及功能有益於未來國家發展及能否作出實質供獻,成為本研究探討的重點;透過深度訪談,本研究歸納出我國海洋行政組織設立之核心構成要素,並檢視是否能達到組織重整合理化、機能權責一致化、落實部門內政策整合、以及強化幕僚功能等指標,研究發現,成立海洋部較能夠符合這些條件,亦為各方所共同期待。 本研究亦發現,現今以民進黨立委為主所推動的海洋及漁業部組織法,實際上也受到學界、社會輿論及公民參與的影響,這股力量也始終默默地在推動部級機關的設立;儘管民進黨目前完全執政,設立海洋及漁業部亦並非完全依賴民進黨在立法院絕對多數席次的主張,也是先前國民黨籍部分對國家海洋事務憂心的立委邀集跨黨派立委共同持續及長期推動的延續,惟因礙於政治運作及其他因素之窒礙無法一次到位;嚴謹的說,我國海洋行政組織改造工程,應該可以說是一個集合各方努力的集體社會意識在支持,且已具有相當共識,成立海洋及漁業部,恐不僅單是民進黨政府欲實踐海洋立國宣言的政治意識型態表現,亦是無分黨派及產界、學界、公民積極參與且有各自的不同考量,但卻是共同期待的結果。


Since the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has been effective, the issues of ocean are concerned by most ocean states and as well as they endeavor to review ocean affairs with the considerations of the integrations of institutionalization and legalization for administrative organizations. Whether governmental units, industrial units, or academic units, they all involve in the advocacies of ameliorating the operations of ocean affairs. The perspective of ocean affairs are extensive and intricate, and overall national power and allocation of administrative resources are deeply affected by those controversies, however. Ocean affairs are scattered in various administrative apparatuses thus far, and the best way to conform to international situations and tendencies in the implementation of ocean affairs is to change this ambiguous situation. A unitary organization should be erected for substituting the decentralized apparatuses to in accordance with national developments and needs. Through the in-depth interview, the core values and constructions of the erection of Taiwan ocean administrative organization are induced, and the reconstruction of rational organization, the consistency of authority mechanism, the integration of departments, and the reinforcement of aide function are examined. Eventually, the establishment of the Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries is the consensus. Additionally, the Organization Act of the Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries and the promotion of the establishment of relevant authority actually are affected by academia, public opinions, and citizen participation. Albeit the DPP is the absolute majority in the Legislative Yuan, the establishment of the Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries is a continuous policy advocated from the last administration led by KMT. Evidently that the reformation of oceanic administrative organization is an agglomeration of collective social consciousness, and the setup of Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries not only is the ideology of the DPP Administration but also the long-term public opinions, is the underpinnings of collective social consciousness, and is the commitment of practicing the manifesto of ocean founding and demonstrating the values of commonwealth.


