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A Discussion on the Relationship Between Military Parenting Stress and Work Stress: Sampling from Airforce Volunteers in Central Taiwan




Military parents usually experience parenting challenges due to the job's uniqueness, while the parenting challenges might increase their stress levels at work. This study aims to investigate the relationship between military parenting stress and work stress, as well as the relationship between both demographic variables and parenting stress, and demographic variables and work stress. We conducted survey research of 224 air force volunteers who are married with kid(s) in central Taiwan. Our research shows: 1. Regarding parenting stress, the top stressor is the external environment, following by child education. 2. As to work stress, the job requirement is the number one stressor, while family and financial problems rank the second. 3. Military parenting stress has a positive relationship with work stress. 4. Females score higher than males on the external environment, adaptation to life, and social interaction in parenting stress survey. 5. The ones with military spouses score higher on the external environment, adaptation to life, and social interaction than who with nonmilitary spouses. 6. Senior officers score significantly higher on social interaction than field officers in parenting stress survey. 7. The longer the service year, the lower the level of parenting stress that affects by adaptation to life, and social interaction. 8. Both parenting stress and work stress reduced while seeing their kid(s) more days per month.


Military Family Parenting Stress Work Stress


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