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Chinese Tourists Come to Taiwan to Study Situations of Gift Purchase


本研究主要目的在探討中國觀光客來台購買伴手禮的情境之研究分析,以中國光觀客來台購買伴手禮消費者為調查對象,採便利抽樣問卷調查方式進行,共回收261份問卷,有效問卷252份。資料分析採用敘述性統計及重要度-表現分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis,簡稱IPA),來探討購買情境對選購行為之影響,以供實務應用及後續相關研究之參考,根據研究分析結果男性佔36.1%,女性63.9%,年齡40~49歲81人佔32.1%,居住地以福建省66人最多佔26.2%,教育程度以高中職114人佔45.2%最多,職業以製造業57人佔22.6%最多,月均收入以50001以上人佔29.4%最多,平均多久時間會安排出外旅遊(一年1次)197人佔78.2%最多,選購伴手禮價位100元以下122人佔48.4%最多。IPA分析以「我會因為商店有生產線(商品製程)供客人觀賞,而購買伴手禮。」、「店內擺設特殊」這兩項需優先改善。


伴手禮 購買情境 IPA


The main purpose of this study is to explore the research and analysis of the situation in which Chinese tourists come to Taiwan to purchase gifts. The survey was conducted on the purchase of hand-worn consumers from China's Guangguan Ketai and a convenient questionnaire survey was conducted. A total of 261 copies were collected. Questionnaires, 252 valid questionnaires. Data analysis adopts narrative statistics and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to explore the influence of purchasing situation on purchasing behavior for practical application and follow-up research, and based on the results of the research analysis. Accounting for 36.1%, women 63.9%, ages 40-49 81, accounting for 32.1%, 66 people living in Fujian Province accounted for 26.2%, education in the high school accounted for 114 people accounted for 45.2%, careers in manufacturing 57 22.6% was the most, with an average monthly income of more than 50001 people accounting for 29.4%, and the average time would be arranged for travel abroad (once a year). 197 people accounted for 78.2% of the maximum, and the purchase price was less than 100 yuan. 122 people accounted for 48.4%. most. According to the IPA analysis, "I will purchase gifts for the customers because the shop has a production line (commodity process) for them to watch." The two special items in the store need priority improvement.


Souvenir Purchase situation IPA
