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Effect of Temperature on Development of Aquatic Firefly Aquatica ficta (Olivier)



本試驗主要探討不同飼養溫度對黃緣螢(Aquatica ficta (Olivier))生長發育和繁殖力的影響。先用含水海綿片採取黃緣螢當日產卵,分置於22±1℃、25±1℃、28±1℃等3種溫度,光週期13L:11D條件的生長箱,以川蜷(Semisulcospira libertine)集體飼育至上陸化蛹;蛹至羽化為成蟲則採單隻飼育,調查不同飼育溫度對本種生長發育、成蟲壽命和性比的影響;另將剛羽化的雌雄成螢在不同溫度條件下配對飼養,調查雌螢的繁殖力。由試驗結果可知,各溫度組的卵孵化率皆高無顯著差異。自卵至羽化成蟲期的存活率以28℃組的68.2%最高,22℃組的42.8%最低。在22-28℃試驗溫度內均能完成生長發育,大致上溫度愈高其發育所需時間愈短;且完成整個發育階段所需時間,以22℃組的298.0日最長,28℃組的262.1日最短。發育速率以蛹期最快,幼蟲期最慢。本種卵期的飼育溫度與發育速率間存在直線迴歸正相關關係。雌雄成螢併計壽命,各溫度組依序為22.03±0.98、13.94±0.59、13.25±0.73日。三組成螢性比均符合1:1。各溫度組的雌螢繁殖力分別為89.58±12.72粒、147.64±14.52粒、136.25±15.42粒,產卵量以25℃組最多,22℃組最少,即飼養溫度確實會影響本種繁殖力。


The effects of different reared temperature on the growth, development and fecundity of aquatic firefly Aquatica ficta (Olivier) were studied. The fresh eggs of Aquatica ficta (Olivier) were collected with damp sponge and cultured in a growth chamber photoperiod of 13-h light and 11-h darkness (L: D=13: 11); at 22±1℃, 25±1℃, 28±1℃ respectively. Hatching larvae were reared with aquatic snail, Semisulcospira libertine with collectively cultured method until mature larvae climbed to landing and began to search for places to pupate. From pupa to adult stage was reared individually. The effects of different reared temperature on the growth/development, longevity and sex ratio were investigated. In addition, the fresh emerged male and female fireflies matched with pairs at different reared temperatures, to investigate fecundity of female. Results show that hatching rate of three reared temperature groups are high and no significant differences. The highest survival rate from egg to pupa emergence adult was 68.2% at 28℃ group, and it decreased to 42.8% at 22℃ group. This species can complete growth and development in the 22 to 28℃ temperature range. In general, the higher temperature the development of the shorter time required; and the longest time required to complete the whole developmental stage from the egg to pupa emergence adult was 298.0 days in the 22℃ group and shortest was 262.1 days at 28℃ group. The rate of development was the fastest in the pupa stage and the slowest larva stage. There was a linear regression correlated between developmental rates of egg stage and rearing temperatures. Longevity of adults for 22, 25, and 28℃ reared temperature groups were calculated to be 22.03±0.98, 13.94±0.59, and 13.25±0.73 days respectively. Sex ratio of adults of three temperature groups were in line with 1:1. The female fecundity at 22, 25, and 28℃ reared temperature groups was 89.58±12.72, 147.64±14.52, and 136.25±15.42 eggs. Fecundity to 25℃ group is highest and 22℃ group lowest. It means reared temperature does affect fecundity of the firefly.


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Owens, A. C. S. (2016). 光害對黃緣螢視覺生態方面的影響 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201600536
