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A Study on the Strategy of Tourism Marketing for Zuoying District in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan


台灣觀光旅遊產業發展日漸多元與競爭,加上政府挑戰2008觀光客倍增計畫的執行,觀光產業儼然成爲我國重要發展事業之一。其中,城鄉行銷(place marketing)更是國內各縣市施政的重點,期許透過觀光行銷,從現有的觀光資源與城市視爲產品做促銷活動,建立城市品牌形象,創造品牌價值,建立強勢品牌地位,爲城市帶來高知名度與忠誠度,並能獲消費者的肯定。 高雄市擁有山、河、海、港等絕佳的天然條件,而轄內左營行政區爲我國海軍重要基地,擁有豐富的名勝古蹟資源,適合塑造成文化觀光的國際級高水準旅遊環境潛力。 本研究擬透過研究區域(高雄市左營區)的旅遊與活動分析、國內的旅遊分析、來台旅客分析及國內外成功之案例分析,了解研究區旅遊狀況及旅客的喜好。本研究以城鄉行銷、標竿學習、SWOT爲理論基礎,在城鄉行銷方面將高雄市視爲產品行銷;而標竿學習策略的則擬引入競爭者中較爲優秀的觀光行銷策略或流程加以學習,可以比對自身的執行狀況,從中發現問題;以SWOT分析研究區的現有觀光資源,明瞭優勢與機會及弱勢與威脅,並確立目標市場與定位,採行之目標市場策略爲差異行銷,研擬行銷組合方案策略。 本研究從策略規劃與行銷結合角度,理論與實務並重,除論述行銷理念和行銷研究方法外,亦參採不同學者的行銷策略主張,進行一系列廣泛課題的探討,期望從產業趨勢的探討之中來掌握市場行銷,以對高雄市左營區觀光的行銷與永續發展能提出具體的建議。


The tourism industry is one of the highest potential industries for the 21st century. The city and county governments of Taiwan are using ”place marketing” to promote the tourism by combining the tourism resources and city activities in order to establish the ”place image/brand” and create the brand value. A strong brand value can accumulate reputation and loyalty for the city services by the confirmation of consumers. This project will study the industrial city ”Kaohsiung” which is one of the cities which developed earliest in Taiwan. This project will analyze (a) the tourism and city activities of Kaohsiung, (b) the foreign visitor statistics, (c) the successful cases of domestic and foreign promotions in order to investigate the hobbies of touring and visitors. This project will apply ”place marketing”, ”bench marketing”, and ”elementary theory of SWOT”. For the ”city/country marketing”, we will promote Kaohsiung as a product. The advantages of ”bench marketing” are the learning of the outstanding strategy or process from the other business of tourism marketing which can verify the self executing conditions and the problems. The ”elementary theory of SWOT” can analyze the existing resources of Kaohsiung and understand the ”Strengths/Opportunities” and ”Weaknesses/Threats” in order to verify the target and self-position. A marketing strategy will be set for the ”differentiated marketing” of the target strategy. The result of this research is intended to provide both economic and effective methodology for related study topics of tourism marketing. It is hoped that it might be used by both government agency for legal purpose and proprietors of tourism industry for economic purpose.


Place marketing Bench marketing SWOT


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