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ISO 9000系例在台灣公部門推行實證研究

An Empirical Examination of ISO 9000-Registered Public Sector Services in Taiwan


本研究分析在政府再造政策下,公部門推行ISO 9000品質管理系統以改善組織體質經驗。透過對4個具代表性之政府機構進行深入訪談,配合郵寄問卷調查瞭解ISO 9000系列於22個不同性質政府部門中之推行狀況,研究重點強調政府單位推行ISO系列的動機、影響推動過程之重要因素以及各組織間的差異,研究發現,建制ISO 9000品質管理系統,可作為提升台灣政府的國際競爭力與達到國家永續發展的方法。


This paper introduces the opportune movement for public sectors to reinvent their series by implementing ISO management series. An empirical study that utilizes four in-depth interviews and a mailed survey to assess initiatives and key factors of implementing ISO programs in various governmental departments in Taiwan has been carried out. The study found that factors of a successful ISO implementation in public sector include. The results of this study indicate that through these ISO generic management series Taiwanese government can not only promote national competitiveness but also achieve the sustainable development in Taiwan.
