  • 期刊


The Formation of Women Gender Consciousness in Taiwan


性別意識指的是對於性別的認定、對性別結構的不滿,並寄望集體行動來改善女性的社會處境。本研究訪談了共15位參與婦女團體、女研社或從事性別研究的女性,其年齡從20歲到50歲(訪談時的年齡),以理解其性別意識形成的歷程。 性別意識是一個連續的過程,受訪者不必然有自覺的受到性別壓迫/歧視的主體經驗,意識也無法僅由內省就可以獲得,而論述在其中扮演重要的角色。意識形成是一個緩慢的過程,儘管其間有些具有指標意義的事件發生,但是很少是為單一事件所決定。 從受訪者的敘述中,可以發覺共通的二個相互關連的價值觀在女性身上作用,一個是男強女弱,一個是男主外女主內/賢妻良母的價值觀。要從社會性別歧視的框框中跳脫,往往需要女性主義論述的中介。有的人是意外遇見,有的人是刻意尋找。沒有論述之前,女性經常把自身的不悅經驗歸咎於個人能力或是普遍人性的問題;接觸論述之後,則可以把以前說不清楚的都說清楚了,更進一步會看到以前看不見的性別經驗,甚至在具體實踐中帶來力量。在這過程中,受訪者提到發現女人其實是很有力量的,可以打破男強女弱的迷思。而生命經驗的斷裂與破滅(如先生外遇,自己卻得不到社會支持),則會打破賢妻良母的迷思。 有了性別意識之後,一方面帶來力量,讓自己更敢於表達意見、從新認識自己/做自己;一方面也面臨很大的壓力與掙扎,例如回家該不該洗碗?該不該糾正朋友具有性別歧視的話語或行動?許多受訪者表示最難改變的是家人,於是採取由遠而近的策略,在不危及關係的情形下,盡可能去介入/改變性別歧視的事物。




Gender consciousness refers to the identification of gender, the discontent of gender structure, and the expectation of collective actions to improve the social condition of women. Fifteen women who participated in women's groups or women's studies were interviewed, aged from 20 to 50. Gender consciousness is an ongoing process. Interviewees did not necessarily have the subjective experiences of being oppressed because of her gender. Nor could gender consciousness be acquired through inner reflection. Furthermore, feminist discourse played an important role in the process. Although, there were some critical events in the process, the consciousness was seldom determined by a single event. Based on the narratives of interviewees, two interlocking values acting on them were found; one is ”men are superior to women,” the other is ”being a good wife and a good mother.” Feminist discourse was an important mediator to help them to break out the framing of traditional gender values. Some just happened to meet with the discourse; some were purposefully seeking for it. Without feminist discourse, women tended to attribute their uncomfortable experiences to personal ability or human nature. With feminist discourse, they could acquired new meanings of their past experiences and be empowered by feminist practice. Being a woman with gender consciousness, she might have a new self-identity, be more confident to express herself. On the other hand, she was facing lots of pressure and struggle. For instance, should she wash dishes at home or leave them to her father or brothers? Should she correct her friend's sexist speech or act in situ? Many interviewees indicated that it was most difficult thing to change their family members' gender values. Therefore, they adopted the strategy of ”from far to near” which means they would try to educate their friends or society and then the outside people would educate their family members, especially their father or brothers. They also tried hard to intervene in discriminatory incidents without endangering their relationship.





