  • 學位論文


Study on the Thoughts of Chan and Pure Land in the Śūraṅgama Sūtra-Focusing on the Chapters of Perfect Penetration of Ear Faculty and Chanting Buddhas’ Names

指導教授 : 釋果鏡


由《楞嚴經》卷三,釋尊為阿難所作之開示:「惟垂哀愍,開示眾生,中道了義,無戲論法。」又說:「為汝開示,第一義諦……汝今諦聽,吾當為汝,分別開示,亦令當來,修大乘者 ,通達實相。」我們可略知《楞嚴經》中佛陀已開顯《楞嚴經》之精髓在通達中道了義、實相及第一義諦。 而二十五圓通是二十五位聖者證悟的分享,包括以耳根之「反聞聞自性」,證圓通的觀世音菩薩以及藉念佛「都攝六根,淨念相繼」,而證圓通的大勢至菩薩。此二圓通乃修習「禪觀」的代表,可視為全經的核心。本文即以此二聖者的修行歷程作開始來研究 。 本論文試從(一)《楞嚴經》的耳根與念佛二圓通法門切入,希望能開示、悟入佛之知見。(二)由《楞嚴經》二十五圓通之「耳根圓通」及「勢至念佛圓通章」來談禪與淨土思想的開展。且藉由「禪觀的運用」、「事修到理入」及「有相入無相」等三個面向來談《楞嚴經》與禪淨思想的關係。進而得知二圓通與「禪觀」的密切關係。(三)透過主張禪淨融會的祖師大德的語錄或著作中,期能將禪淨思想與《楞嚴經》的修行巧妙地結合,俾有助於想藉《楞嚴經》修習「禪觀」者的參考。至於禪與淨土究竟是二?是一?二而一或一而二?是本論文所要探討的另一大議題。


According to the third chapter of Śūraṅgama Sūtra, the Ananda and the assembly listened to the compassionate Buddha’s unsurpassed sermon: “I mercifully elucidate the teachings to all sentient beings about the Middle Way, the Absolute Truth and there is no wasteful talk.” “I will elucidate the teaching of the Highest Truth to you… Now you should listen carefully, I will explain to you respectively and also guide those sentient beings who wants to practice Mahayana in the future to penetrate the truth.” Thus we can see the essence of Śūraṅgama Sūtra is to penetrate the Middle Way, the Absolute Truth and the Reality. There are twenty-five sages in the fifth and sixth chapters of Śūraṅgama Sūtra. They also taught people how to practice. The sixth chapter takes us into the universality (omnipotence) doctrine of the Śrotrendriya. We explore its whys and wherefores and the twenty-five different perfect penetration samādhis to reach through enlightenment. The two famous sages:Avalokiteśvara and Mahāsthāmaprāpta demonstrate their special doctrine through the ear and chanting Buddhas. This paper aims to study how Avalokiteśvara utilize the ear practice to “inter-hearing of one’s own nature” and how the Mahāsthāmaprāpta utilize chanting the names of the Buddhas to “have all six organs concentrated and sustain the pure thoughts moment by moment.” This paper will focus on the practices of the perfect penetration ear faculty and chanting Buddhas’ names. It introduces how to meditate, progress from “concrete cultivation” to “intuitive entering the Principle”, and enter into signlessness via sign. Also the Avalokiteśvara’s doctrine represents the “Chan” and the Mahāsthāmaprāpta’s chanting Buddha’s doctrine represents the “Pure Land”. Taking examples from the Patriarchs’ and great practitioners’ literary works or quotations, hopefully would combine these two practice methods (Chan and chanting Buddhas’ names) and the practice methods from Śūraṅgama Sūtra ingeniously which would be useful reference for readers who are interested in meditation. More importantly, this paper would like to make a thorough inquiry about whether Chan and Pure Land are two different doctrines or the same? Are they from the same origin or not? If not, will they become one in the end?


李治華(1998)。《楞嚴經》與中國宗派。《中華佛學報》第二期,熊琬(2003)。〈《楞嚴經》思想之特色–富有文學與哲學〉《法光雜誌》162 (台北:法光,2-4版。網路版:http:/enlight.lib.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-BJ013/bj013122251.pdf
