  • 學位論文


The Impact of Rewards System on Employee Motivation – A Case of Information Technology Industry in Vietnam

指導教授 : 劉慶湘


研究背景:資訊工程產業是越南經濟增長最快速的行業之一,而人力資源更是促進資訊產業穩定發展的一個重要因素。不被激勵的員工無法有效達成工作目標,企業可應用各式各樣的方法激勵員工,但其中獎勵制度則是最具有效果的方法。因此,爲了留任人才和保持企業競爭力,資訊工程產業更需要發展並維持適當的獎勵制度。 研究目的:本研究的目的是調查和分析獎勵制度對資訊工程產業員工的激勵效果與影響,以及為了提高員工的激勵效果,企業可以更具體的執行獎勵制之層面,供資訊產業參考。 研究問題如下: 1. 研究並了解獎勵制度跟員工激勵之關係。 2. 研究各項獎勵制度之中,哪一項對於員工激勵有較強的影響。 3. 為資訊工程產業提供改善獎勵制度的建議來提高員工激勵效果。 研究方法:本研究採用量化之研究方法,透過結構式的問卷來收集資料,採滾雪球抽樣法並以網路問卷調查方式發放問卷。所有收集到的數據以SPSS軟體進行統計分析。 結論:這項研究結果是從資訊產業員工的133問卷分析而來,研究結果顯示獎勵制度對員工激勵存在顯著的關係。在獎勵制度中,基本工資對外在激勵影響較大,優質的工作環境和績效與生涯管理對內在激勵有較大影響。此研究結果可協助越南資訊工程產業作為其更新與加強獎勵制度以提高員工的激勵效果之參考。


Background: Information Technology is one of the industries which achieve the highest growth in the economy of Vietnam. Human factor is one of the most important factors that promote the stable development of Information Technology industry. Humans or employees without motivation are not able to carry out the job perfectly. There are many ways to motivate employees and rewards system is one of them. Therefore, Information Technology companies need to maintain a rewards program in place to retain talent and stay competitive. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze how the rewards system helps generate employee motivation in Information Technology industry of Vietnam. More specifically it aims to find out which aspects of the rewards system could be further developed and improved in order to increase employee motivation. This study is intended to achieve the following objectives: 1. To test if there is a relationship between rewards system and employee motivation. 2. To determine that among the rewards system which ones have stronger impact on motivation. 3. To suggest ways in which rewards system in Information Technology industry can be improved upon in order to increase employee motivation. Method: The research method used for this thesis is of quantitative. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire. The snowball sampling and online survey methods are applied for questionnaire delivery. All the data collected is put into SPSS for analysis. Conclusions: The findings were based upon the statistical analysis results from 133 Vietnamese employees working in Information Technology industry of Vietnam. The results indicate that there is a positive relationship between rewards system and employee motivation. Among the categories of rewards system, base pay has the impact on employee’s extrinsic motivation; quality work environment and performance and career management have the impact on employee’s intrinsic motivation. This study will have contributions to the Information Technology companies which may renew their rewards system and put more efficient and effective ones.


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