  • 學位論文


Action Research of Digital Storytelling theory in Primary School’s Science Course

指導教授 : 賴信志
共同指導教授 : 孫惠民(Huey-Min Sun)


本研究以國小課程中,有關天氣觀察之科學能力培養為起點,在行動研究的精神下,採用「數位說故事」理論,建置「數位說故事創意學習網站」,讓國小學童在現代科學輔具及網際網路的協助下,進行師生、同儕、伙伴之高頻率互動,以架構科學學習的基礎。 本研究以高雄縣六年級國小一個班級的30位學生為對象,實施「自然與生活科技」課程中有關氣象的單元。研究中以自行編製的問卷,對學生進行相關科學能力的前測,再以學習成就做為後測,將所得的資料進行分析,藉以驗證「數位說故事」理論相對於傳統教學法對科學能力培養的有效性。 研究結果顯示透過科技輔具與網路學習結合,能增加學生學習的興趣與成效(80%學生能將所學內容重新分解、轉化,成為故事) 以及使用說故事的學習方式有助於學生幫助學生建構科學概念 (增加8.36%),因此,可以將本研究之結果視為先驅研究之成果,繼續延伸研究的質與量來探討相關問題。


The main issue of this research is to estimate the efficiency of using computer technologies and the Internet to rising of the scientific capability, especially in “weather” topics and physical concepts. The “Digital StoryTelling” method was adopted to build a “Web-based Digital Storytelling Construction System”, such that the primary school pupils can use the system to construct their scientific capability. In this research, we regard the 30 sixth grade students of a primary school in the Kaohsiung County as the research object. Questionnaire and action research were used to investigate this advanced curriculum design. The results show that “Digital StoryTelling” curriculum can be used in scientific courses. As a complements learning to be combined with the computer and network, about 80% of the students can resolve and transform the scientific contents become their own story. Also, the estimation of achievement in scientific concepts shows that about 8.36% increasing among the students can improve the correct concepts.


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