  • 學位論文


Childbirth in the Post-colonial Discourse:The Modernization of Childbirth in Vietnam under the French Governance

指導教授 : 李美賢


法國殖民越南,同時也帶入西方生育體系。但目前相關的研究依然未能跳脫歐洲中心主義的偏狹視角,突顯出西方觀點的侷限與單向性,也不曾清楚定位被殖民者在殖民醫學中的向度。本研究試圖回答越南生育未能全面現代化是否有更為在地的原因?被殖民者對於現代化生育的回應又是如何?殖民者/被殖民者之間的互動呈現出什麼態勢?生育醫療化在當時的越南社會脈絡下又有何特殊之處 ?筆者期望藉此論文一則提供另一種觀看角度,二則豐富殖民醫學相關研究。 筆者分析法國殖民時期與越南生育體系相關的史料,輔以於越南胡志明市進行的訪談記錄。以後殖民語境下的空間(space)與地方感(sense of place)來重新理解法國殖民時期越南的生育現代化,挖掘更為深層的在地文化結構;接著藉由Homi K. Bhabha的抵抗(resistance)、擬仿(mimicry)、雜揉(hybridity)等概念來討論殖民者/被殖民者之間的關係;最後回歸到殖民醫學(現代性)的討論中。 研究結果首先顯示,殖民者在醫療化殖民地生育事務的過程中,未能理解殖民地的傳統生育觀念,輕忽了地方感之於被殖民者的重要性,造成殖民意識形態與實作間的斷裂。此外,被殖民者透過殖民者的技術語言重新詮釋生育現代化,抑或以忽視、跨越殖民知識威權等方式,產生出抵抗的效果。然而在醫學領域中,殖民關係並非全然是衝突的,而是呈現出Bhabha所言的流動式的矛盾關係。


The French colonized Vietnam and by the same time brought in the “modern” mode of childbirth. Up to now, there have no researches could rid of the Eurocentric point, therefore shows it’s limitations and more regretfully, never locate the status of the colonized people in the quadrant of Colonial Medicine. This research attempt firstly to find out whether exist another reasons could explain why Vietnam childbirth couldn’t fully been westernized? What’s the colonized peoples’ response to the modernization? What’s the characteristics of interaction between colonizers and colonized? And lastly, what are the particular meanings of Vietnam’s childbirth modernization under the French governance. My main purpose is to suggest a more contextual point of view for analysis the colonial modernization, and enrich the colonial medicine studies. I’ll analysis the archives concerned the Vietnamese childbirth and also the interviews with related persons I met in Ho-chi-minh city. Adopting the concepts of Space and Sense of place, using Homi K. Bhabha’s theories (resistance, mimicry, hybridity…etc), we can discover the deeper social construction and understand the colonial relationships, in the end, return to discuss the colonial modernization. This research demonstrate first during the process of modernizing Vietnamese childbirth habitus, the colonizer neglected the importance of sense of place for the colonized, led to the frustration between the French’s colonial ideologies and realized practices. Second, the colonized by applying the western technical lexicon, represented the modern childbirth, or furthermore, surmounted the knowledge authorities, generated the resistant effect. Third, in the medical domain, the colonial relationships is not necessarily conflict, rather as Bhabha commend ambivalent.


一 檔案
(一)越南國家檔案館-胡志明市第二分館ANVN II. (TTLTQG II)
GOUCOCH IA8/031-4:Enseignement médical- comission de réorganisation de l’école des infirmiers-accoucheurs (réunoin à la Maternité de Cholon-attribution de crédits transformation , amélioration, aménagement des locaux actuels-matériels de cours et d’aménagement, recruitement, durée de scolarisation, situation à la sortie d’école, examens pratiques, Journal officiel de l’Indochine 1916-1917).
GOUCOCH IA8/077-6:Rapport d’hygiène et de la santé publique des diverses provinces (Baclieu, Bentre etc…).


陳慧軒(2012)。「助產士或產婆?」─ 論1850至1915的荷蘭東印度助產士教育制度〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2002201315295962
