  • 學位論文


The Way to Reconciliation : An Analysis of the Process and Impacts of the 'Normalization of Relations' between China and Vietnam(1975-1991)

指導教授 : 陳佩修


中越兩國一衣帶水,自古就是山水相連的鄰邦。從1950年到1990年的40年當中,兩國關係經歷了從「同志加兄弟」到「兵戎相見」的嚴重對立又走向破冰和解,兩國關係發展可謂跌宕起伏。   隨著1990年成都會議召開,一切又展開了新局面。自此,兩國在政治、經濟、文化、科技等領域的合作關係進入了一個新的發展階段。這次會晤是具有「結束過去、開闢未來」的重大意義。它標誌著兩國關係實現了正常化,並對兩國關係的發展產生深遠的影響。   本文重點將探討新時期促進兩國關係快速發展的影響因素,主要包括國際環境、區域形勢、改革開放因素、意識形態、柬埔寨問題的解決與中越成都會晤。在這一時期內,中越雙方確定以「長期穩定、面向未來、睦鄰友好、全面合作」十六字方針為指導思想和指導方針,推動兩國睦鄰友好全面合作關係取得更大進展。此後,中越兩國在政治、經濟、文化、科技等領域的合作關係進入了一個新的發展階段。   從中越關係正常化之後的發展歷程可以看出,兩國關係之所以能夠取得長足發展,最主要的動因就在於睦鄰友好、全面合作,符合兩國人民的根本利益。相信進一步鞏固和發展兩黨、兩國之間的友好合作關係,不僅符合兩黨、兩國和兩國人民的期待,而且有利於本地區與世界的和平、穩定、合作及發展。


China and Vietnam are close neighbors since long ago. In the forty years between 1950 to 1990, the relationships between them were magically undulatory. The relationshad been through brotherhood, serious opposition to ice break. A new condition followed by the Chengdu Meeting in 1990. Since then, the cooperation of the two countries in politics, economics, culture and technology fields was on a new stage. “To end the past and build the future” was the main idea of this conference.It showed a great effect of being normalized. This article will focus on effects of fast relation developing between the two countries which include national environment, area situations, the policy of reformation and opening, ideologues, Cambodia issues and the meeting in Chengdu. Furthermore, both of them agreed to follow the guide-line which was to keep a stable long-term relation, face to the future, in amity with each other and cooperating together and it did contribute a great development in their relations. After that, the cooperation in politics, economics, culture and technology between China and Vietnam was on a new developing stage. From the developing history of being normalized in the two countries, we can see that the motivation was successfully built on amity and cooperation which mat their people’s radical benefits. It is believed that to strengthen and develop the two countries relationship will not only meet their people’s needs but also benefit this area and world in peace, stability, cooperation and development.


