  • 學位論文


The Humanistic Thinking of Architect Huei-Yin Lin

指導教授 : 蔣雅君


本研究以中國第一位女性建築師為研究對象,解析「建築的林徽因」,探討她在人文主義思潮影響下的建築論述與思想。本研究首先以中國大環境對其所造成的影響來做分析,之後則論及中國建築教育的開拓與發展,以及中國第一代留學生學成歸國後,如何將西方建築教育體系,應用在中國建築教育上。其次,探討林徽因的人文主義文化內涵,中學的轉化與西學的移植,以及布雜建築教育體系的運用。大時代的影響,促使林徽因一生不斷地探索民族形式,從林徽因曾經參與設計的國徽、人民英雄紀念碑和景泰藍的改造工作中,可觀察出林徽因對民族形式的追求與常民文化的應用以及對現代性的探索。林徽因在詩歌與文章創作中所表現出的人文主義建築學和建築意、建築美學…等,則採用了以景寓情、擬人化的書寫方式建構起林徽因文章中濃厚的「建築意」。另外,從中國營造學社的創立背景、研究方法、寫作模式與研究重點、田野調查進行方式…等,觀察出營造學社的時代意義,以及參與其中的林徽因中國建築史觀、古建築的保存與修復觀念為何。最後,由她對現代住宅設計提出的建議與北京城牆的保存,來觀察她對現代建築的觀點。 林徽因的建築思想是在歷史變遷中所建構的產物,她將建築、科學與藝術,相互配合進行研究與調查。綜觀林徽因的建築思想,便可大略觀察出中國第一代建築師與中國近代建築教育和建築研究的發展歷程。


The research tries to explore the first female architect in China architect Huei-Yin Lin’s architectural discourse which is influence by humanistic discourse and ideology. The first part of the thesis is focus on the impact of Chinese environment in early 20 century; open up atmosphere and development of architectural education, as well as the first generation of students studies abroad all highly influenced on Lin’s life. Second, the cultural connotation of Huei-Yin Lin humanism, the transformation of secondary migration of Western, and Beaux- architecture education system that influence on Huei-Yin Lin life constantly exploit the national form, has been involved in the design from Huei-Yin Lin Emblem, cloisonné and People's Heroes Monument and the transformation of work, can be observed in Huei-Yin Lin pursuit for the national form and the application of ordinary people and the culture of modernity exploration. Huei-Yin Lin creation in the poetry and articles also shown the Architecture of Humanism and Idea of Architecture, architectural aesthetics ... and so on, are used for describing the scene of picturesque motive, personified in the writing of the article constructed Huei-Yin Lin strong " Idea of Architecture." In addition, from the creation of The Society for the Research in Chinese background, research methods, writing models and research priorities, conduct of field research ... and so on, observe the Society of the era, as well as participating Chinese architectural history research, preservation of ancient buildings and restoration. Finally, modern residential design by her recommendations and the Beijing city wall preservation project also express her views on modern architecture. Huei-Yin Lin building idea is to construct historical changes in the product, her architecture, science and art, each with research and investigation. Looking Huei-Yin Lin architectural ideas can be roughly observed the first generation of architects and building modern Chinese architectural education and research development process.


1. 鄭大慧,2005,《日本建築家伊東忠太與中國建築家梁思成之建築思想與作品比較研究》,
3. 蔣雅君 ,2006《移植現代性,建築論述與設計實踐-王大閎與中國建築現代化論戰,
1. 夏鑄九,1990,〈營造學社梁思成建築史論述構造之理論分析〉,《空間, 歷史與社會 : 論文選1987-1992》,春季號,第三卷,第一期,台灣社會研究。
1. 梁從誡編選,2000,《林徽音文集》,天下文化。
