  • 學位論文


A Study of Elasto-Plastic Time History Analysis using Precise Integration Method

指導教授 : 莊清鏘 鄭金國


模擬結構動力問題時是建立動力平衡方程式並配合時間積分法求解,且滿足各離散時間點動力平衡。時間積分法與時間步長的選取有關,倘若載荷急遽變化或系統自然振動頻率很高時,為了獲得滿意結果經常要選用較小的時間步長,因此大幅增加計算量。本研究引入具有高精度、高穩定的精細時間積分法,此法利用降階、一階聯立常微分方程式的解析、 類算法和擴展精細時間積分模擬結構動力反應。另外,為了能夠更適切模擬結構受劇烈載荷變化的動態反應,本研究引用動量型式的精細時間積分法,可以更有效地掌握載荷急遽變化和降低時間步長選的取敏感性。 彈塑性系統中,本研究採雙線性恢復力模型進行模擬,該模型在兩段相鄰的區段間存在著勁度突變的拐點,若不對拐點進行處理,可能會降低數值精度。傳統彈塑性分析常見的方式是採用迭代法,而本研究改以近似插值法分析,此法利用泰勒級數和劃分時間步長的觀念處理拐點分析。最後本研究利用數值算例探討彈塑性擴展精細動力時間積分法的可行性與精確性,並與Newmark Method比較。


Solving structural dynamic response was used dynamic equilibrium equations of motion with time integration, and dynamic equilibrium will satisfy discrete time. The selection of time step depends on the features of the time integration, when there is dramatic loading variation or high natural frequency. For getting better numerical accuracy, we usually choose the small time step. This study used the Precise Integration Method which has better accuracy and stability. This method use reduced-order, the approximations of first order system ordinary differential equation, algorithm method and Extended Precise Integration Method to simulate structural dynamic response. In the other hand, the study also formulates the governing equations of motion to alleviate this problem by momentum equilibrium. The proposed method can capture the dramatic loading variation effectively and reduce the sensitivity of the selection of time step. In elasto-plastic system, this study adopts bilinear restoring force model to simulate structural dynamic response analysis. The model has mutation of the stiffness inflection points which exists in two adjacent segments. If we don't deal which this problem, it may reduce the numerical accuracy. Traditional elasto-plastic analysis use iterative method, but this study used the approximate interpolation method. For inflection points analysis, the concept uses Taylor's series and dividing time step. Finally, we use some examples to discuss the feasibility and accuracy of the elasto-plastic EPIM, and compare with Newmark method.


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