  • 學位論文


Study of the Strategy for the Popularization of Smart Home Market

指導教授 : 吳燦中


由於資通訊科技的進步與人類追求生活品質的慾望提升,住宅智慧化已成為市場新的熱門趨勢。然而國內智慧住宅市場雖然在產、官、學的大力推廣之下,市場還是處於叫好而不叫座的處境。本研究的目的就是試圖找出國內智慧住宅市場所面臨的挑戰與就目標市場與需求的研究範圍下,提出市場普及化的策略建議。本研究採用文獻分析法與質性研究的深度訪談法做為本研究的主要研究方法。 本研究的結果發現目前智慧住宅市場面臨的挑戰有1. 消費者感受不到實用價值2. 不容易使用 3. 價格偏高 4. 商業模式不成熟等。透過Geoffrey Moore「跨越鴻溝」理論的分析顯示目前智慧住宅市場陷入於早期市場與主流市場之間的「鴻溝」。如果要讓智慧住宅市場達到普及化,就是要跨越那道鴻溝。本研究根據Geoffrey Moore「跨越鴻溝」理論建議的策略,將市場聚焦在隨著國內人口高齡化逐漸成長又有「安心安全」與「健康照護」方面強烈需求的高齡者市場。依據文獻整理與專家訪談的結果整理出10項高齡者在智慧住宅的必要需求並提出設計規劃上的功能建議,提供給規劃高齡者智慧住宅設計業者的參考。 綜合考量高齡者居住環境應具備特性與室內設計在室內空間與機能規劃的專業性,室內設計師與智慧住宅系統業者在智慧住宅設計與專案執行上相輔相成,將可共同打造一個高齡者理想的居家環境。


Because of advances in information & communication technology and human desire to the pursuit of quality of life, smart home market has become the hot new trend, but it is still not popular yet. The purposes of this study are to identify the challenges faced by the smart home market and to propose the strategy for the popularization of smart home market. In this study, literature analysis and qualitative research with depth interviews are the main research methods of this study. The results of this study found that the current challenges faced by the smart home market are consumers cannot feel the practical value、not easy to use、the high price and immature business model. To overcome the challenges and make the market popular, this study uses Geoffrey Moore’s "Crossing the Chasm" theory to identify the “chasm” between the early market and the mainstream market, which block the market growth. Based on Geoffrey Moore ‘s suggested strategy for crossing the chasm, this study proposes to focus on the elderly market because of the domestic aging population is growing and their strong demands on "Safety and Security" and "health care". From literature review and interviews with experts, this study sorts out the needs and features of elderly people in a smart home design, which can be a reference guide for the he smart home solution providers. Considering of the overall living environment requirements of the elderly and interior designers’ professionalism in interior space and aesthetics design, both interior designers and smart home solution providers should work complementarily in the elderly smart home project design and execution to create the ideal of an elderly person home environment.


smart home the elderly popularization


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