  • 學位論文


Remodel Residential Interior From the Aspect of Universal Design--Using Shi's House for Example Which Located in ShangDouMen District, Wenzhou City

指導教授 : 陳歷渝


面臨人口高齡化、少子化以及社區人際疏離等議題時,必須重新思考住宅設計的發展趨勢。針對住宅空間的功能和需求,探討如何彈性變化以滿足不同的使用者,已成為當前重要研究課題。本研究目的在於:一、透過兩岸通用設計相關規範比較表的整理和兩岸理想的住宅通用設計導則的擬定讓讀者對兩岸通用設計相關規範形成認知,通過表格的方式讓讀者可以快速查閱方便實作。二、兩岸通用設計相關規範的研究為未來兩岸政府制定通用設計法令提供可參考的文獻。三、以真實的戶型改造驗證兩岸理想的住宅通用設計導則的可行性,從而推動在兩岸通用住宅的發展。研究運用文獻研究法、個案研究法,首先蒐集兩岸有關住宅通用設計的相關規範包括:中國「無障礙設計規範」(GBS0763-2012)、「老年人居住建築設計標準」(GBT 50340-2003)、台灣「建築物無障礙設施設計規範」、「臺北市居住空間通用設計指南」、「老人住宅基本設施及設備規劃設計規範」,就1、公共出入口,2、公用樓梯,3、住宅出入口,4、廚房,5、客廳、臥室、飯廳,6、廁所,7、儲物間,8、陽臺等,10處空間,8大項進行相關規定之比較。其次,歸納上述之比較結果,以取容許的最寬裕值之範圍為前提,擬定理想的住宅通用設計導則。再次,運用浙江省溫州市上陡門住區案例實作改造研究,以實例研究驗證理想的住宅通用設計導則內容的可行性。研究發現:一、兩岸目前都沒有針對住宅通用設計建立中央級的法規或規範,但在「建築物無障礙設施設計規範」基礎上,台灣有「臺北市居住空間通用設計指南」之訂定,其屬性為住宅通用設計“指導性”政府文件,內容全面細緻。「老年人居住建築設計標準」(GBT 50340-2003)針對老年人居住建築設計中需要特別注意的室內空間和環境要素做技術措施的擬定,與本文討論的通用設計議題較為相近,台灣「老人住宅基本設施及設備規劃設計規範」,為老人住宅之規劃設計基準,內容完整度不及其他規範,但細部數據準確詳盡,而「中國國家標準GBS0763-2012-無障礙設計規範」,僅針對公共環境、建築公共部分進行有關規定,對於室內空間的規定較少。台灣「建築物無障礙設施設計規範」則對於基地、建築、室內的無障礙設計均有規定,其中,對於住宅浴室、廁所設計的相關規定較為詳細。二、理想的住宅通用設計導則在室內空間的改造中基本可以實現,但在改造實際操作中導則應用會受建築原始空間、結構與戶主需求所限制。因此,舊宅改造也應隨著屋主的需求而做適當調整,以此更好的讓通用設計影響到兩岸住宅的設計與改造中。


With the increasing issues, such as the aging of pollution, one-child and community alienation, we should re-think the development tendency of residential design. For the function and requirement of residental space, and then probe into how to change flexiblely to meet the different users, which has been the most important issues now. The purpose of my research is: firstly, by comparing the related standards of the universal design between the Taiwan and mainland China, and protocol ofideal residential universal design guidelines, making the readers a better understaing of the related standards and regulations of the universal design between the Taiwan and mainland China. By making the form, then the readership can have a quick refer to related information. Secondly, the research of the related standards and regulations of the universal design between the Taiwan and mainland Chinacan provide references for the governent making the related design rules and regulations. Thirdly, by using the real family transformaion to validate the feasibility of the ideal residential universal design, which can drive the development of the universal residential of the Taiwan and mainland China. The research method is documentary research and case studies. Firstly, collecting the related standards and regulations of the universal design between the Taiwan and mainland China including (GBS0763-2012)from mainland, (GBT50340-2003), from Taiwan, , residential infrastructure design planning and standard. And the research will compare the related rules and regulatons for 10 space and 8 items: 1、public extrance; 2、Public stair;3、residential extrance;4、kitchen room;5、dining room, living room, bedroom;6、bathroom;7、storage room; 8、balcony。Then, Summing up the above comparison results, to allow the most comfortable value range of the premise, protocol the ideal guideline for residential universal design. Afterwards, making research into the case of Shangdoumen residential in Wenzhou, Zhejiang. using this case to verify the feasibility of the ideal residential universal design. The study finds that, there are no national rules and regulaitons for residential universal design. But for , Taiwan has , which is the guideline for the govermental document for residential universal design, the content is comprehensive and detailed. (GBT50340-2003) for special attention in the design of residential building interior space and environment factors of technical measures proposed for olders, which is close to the design issus of this research. < residential construction design critetion for olders>(GBT50340-2003) design the benchmark for olders, Content integrity is less than other specifications. But the detail data is accurate and detailed. (GBS0763-2012) from China mostly focuses on the public environment and public parts of the buildings, but less attention on the interior design. However, from taiwan has the regulaitons on base, building and interior barrier design. Second, the ideal guidelines for residential universal design can be realised for improvement of interior space. But in practice this would be restrcited for the original space, structure and the head of the household. Moreover, reform for the old house should be adjusted by the need of the owners, which can make a better impact on the residential universal design for the Taiwan and mainland China.


