  • 學位論文


The Reflection Design of Green Life

指導教授 : 楊明津


在地球暖化問題越來越嚴重的當下,由於環保意識的高漲,標榜「綠色」的各種產品或各式服務也就相應而生,在一波波的「健康」、「環保」號召下,人們開始大量地消費相關服務、產品,綠色產品的地位與經濟價值也跟著水漲船高。相對的,也就出現了一些打著綠色旗幟,想搶搭這波消費趨勢的企業團體,產生了「漂綠」的服務和產品,打著「綠色環保」的招牌鼓勵人們使用。在資訊不對稱的情形下,消費者很容易被特殊的行銷手法或片面說詞誤導,被鼓勵進行某些標榜為「綠色」的活動與消費行為,但這些服務和產品,可能強調了部分的環保優勢,卻隱藏了其它對環境和人有害的部分,消費者可能以為購買該產品,是對環境盡了一份力,但實際上不但沒有減緩資源的消耗,反而給環境帶來另外一種傷害。 本創作認為不論是何種資源或服務,使用者除了注重物理層面的環保外,同時也能藉由產品與使用者的互動,激發起使用者心理層面的綠色意識,從自身的生活習慣開始做起,保有珍惜資源的愛護心理,減少不必要的浪費,使得有限的資源能夠做更長久的利用,給地球更多的時間與空間恢復生氣,才能讓地球生生不息。


樂活 綠色設計 反思


As science and technology continue to advance, production quality is not the primary issue for most manufacturers. In order to meet the consumer demand in the market, how to cost down, rapid production to increase profits is the most important considerations of the companies. Until the oil energy shortage arrived, the natural disasters seriously impact on human life frequently. People alert the crisis of survival, people begin to pay much attention to "Carbon emission reduction". Because of the rising awareness of environmental protection, as long as the goods advertised a "green label", they will be able to attract consumers to buy. We might think that their purchases of the green products are helpful for the environment. In fact it is not necessary to actually they do not slow down the consumption of resource, instead they do another kind of damage to the environment. This paper suggests the users to focus on the physical level of environmental protection, and raise user's green concept of the psychological level by the interaction between users and products. Let people to reduce unnecessary waste from their own habits. Finally it can achieve the purpose which people would cherish the natural resources.


LOHAS green design reflection



