  • 學位論文


A Study on Competitive Power of Electronic Connector in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊維楨
共同指導教授 : 婁國仁


全球連接器產業發展從1939 年二次大戰期間,為縮短戰鬥機維修時間,將相關組件予以模組化,並透過連接器與機體相連,以利損壞的模組可立即抽換維護,進而發展出連接器產品。 台灣連接器產業發展歷程自1970年代,1975年,美國杜邦公司來台灣設廠生產連接器,帶來先進的技術與較具規模的生產體制。1960年代,台灣個人電腦(PC)業蓬勃發展,而由個人電腦所建立的良好環境,連接器廠商紛紛成立。1992年,隨着國內電腦廠商逐漸在中國大陸生產以降低成本的考量下,國內連接器廠商也紛紛前往大陸投資設廠,以配合下游電腦廠商就地供貨的需求。2001年國內連接器主要的廠商都將生產線陸續移往中國大陸,在國內的產值則愈來愈少。未來連接器產業都將在中國大陸生產,而國內將是產品開發小型的量產,以及生產以維繫國內之需求。 由於連接器產業進入障礙並不高,但因競爭激烈,顧客議價空間相當大,尤其應注重策略規劃與策略應用,爭取商機、加強研發能力建立、提升品質、提升價格競爭力,以期在競爭激烈的環境中,爭取對公司最有利的發展契機。 台灣為全球電腦及周邊設備的主要生產國,因此電腦用連接器成為主要的生產型態,但近年來受到電腦換機潮的影響,與需求減緩與單價下跌的影響,市場成長趨緩。反倒是在通訊用及消費電子用連接器,在應用市場成長及接獲美日大廠釋出訂單, 2005年整體市場持續2004年成長趨勢,但在資訊用產品低價化的影響下,整體市場規模成長將趨緩。 如何掌握正確發展策略,迅速跟上產業發展潮流,並就整個產業目前發展狀況、未來發展瓶頸,選擇提昇競爭力最有效之發展策略,實有其必要性。


連接器 競爭力


In this research, the study is focused on the competitive power of Taiwan connector industry. Taiwan connector industry follows the growth power industry of of PC, Telecommunications and commercial electronics products. Become a competitive industry in the world. During 2001 year, more and more company transfer task force and manufacturing factory to china, the strategy of operators in Taiwan connector industry is changing now. We are interested in the Competitive Power of Electronic Connector in Taiwan. More and More Taiwan industry transfers their manufacturing lines to China since 2001. It results in decreasing of revenue. In current situation, the market strategy of manufacturing supplier is changed that the manufacturing task force is located in China (the cheaper manpower market). Most of the company still locates their major development task force in Taiwan due to experiences, skills, company glowing planning concerns. It is a continued work on studying how to grow company revenue in the future in this competitive connector industry, To investigate the tendency of the connector industry right ahead of the competitors, increase the competitive power of the company in next stage of connector industry. have right and proper strategy made and executed in a efficient process of the company, is the serious major work to each supplier in this industry now.


Connector Competitive


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