  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying Business Intelligence Systems to support Mutual Funds Marketing Decision-making

指導教授 : 吳錦波


近年來金融環境丕變,引發了投資人的恐慌,導致投資市場也更加悲觀憂慮,進而衝擊了共同基金銷售市場的萎縮,雖然景氣循環是經濟社會必然之過程,但對企業而言,重要的是要能掌握景氣之脈動制訂洞燭機先之策略。尤其在企業已有完善資訊系統之建置後,日常交易的資料處理已相當完備,大量資料長期的累積,其中蘊藏了龐大的決策價值。因此,為了即時掌握與滿足客戶需求、提高市場佔有率、增強競爭力,透過商業智慧(Business Intelligence, BI) 的整體解決方案,挖掘資料背後隱含的商機來協助企業建立完善的決策輔助及資訊擷取的機制就愈顯得重要。 本研究採個案研究法,以投信個案公司資訊系統長期累積之資料為基礎,利用商業智慧系統(BI)的線上分析處理(OLAP)技術,將龐雜以及散亂的資料整合、分析以提供決策者進行共同基金行銷決策參考之依據。由於共同基金不具有實體產品,其隸屬於金融服務業之範疇。因此,本研究以專門因應「服務行銷」而加的行銷3P(人員、實體設備、流程管理) ,及「服務行銷金三角」之理論透過資訊科技的運用,以達到理論與實務的完美結合。本研究藉由個案公司導入商業智慧(BI)系統的成員經驗進行深入訪談,輔以實際銷售成長數據進行實證研究,探討商業智慧(BI)系統對支援基金行銷決策之影響。經實證研究結果分析,本研究發現商業智慧(BI)系統改善了「內部」流程管理,進而提升對「外部」環境的競爭力,其彙整結論如下: 內部成效: 一、 促進企業決策流程:提供即時完整的決策相關資訊,以最佳的參考依據支援主管制訂更高品質的決策。 二、 降低整體營運成本:大幅降低資訊人員撰寫程式與商業智慧(BI)系統使用者製作報表的時間與人力成本。 三、 協同組織目標與行動:讓員工視公司的行銷活動為己任,使組織內的目標一致,建立高戰鬥力的團隊,進而提升企業的整體績效。 外部成效: 一、 提高銷售績效:藉由改善內部流程及銷售策略行動,發現在銷售量、業績達成率及市佔率…等分析,皆可看出其執行效益。 二、 提升行銷回應:運用商業智慧(BI)的分析資訊,快速的擬定及調整行銷策略,提升了行銷活動的回應率。


Recent dramatic decline in financial markets has created investor panic and pessimistic view on investment markets, which has further impact the declining mutual fund business. Though economic cycle is inevitable in modern economy, it is crucial for business to early identify market trends and to develop their strategies accordingly. With the well-established computer systems for daily trading and operational data processing, huge electronic data has been accumulated, and which consists of valuable information for business decision-making. In order to define and better satisfy customer needs, increase market share and create competitive advantages, it becomes more and more important to understand the implication of data via a business intelligence solution, which can further assist businesses in establishing complete set of decision-making mechanism. This research uses a case study approach to investigate how an asset management company uses online analytical processing (OLAP) technologies of business intelligence (BI) systems to integrate and analyze massive amount of data in order to provide meaningful information to support decision markers on their decision-making for mutual fund marketing strategies. Due to the fact that mutual fund is not a physical product, but a financial service, this research focuses on 3P (people, physical facilities and process) of service marketing, and theory of service triangle, with the support of information technology, to achieve the state of perfect matched between theory and practical. This research investigates how business intelligence (BI) system support decision-making of mutual fund marketing strategies by interviewing the key members of the business intelligence project team and analyzing statistics of actual sales growth. Based on the study, business intelligence system does improve the “internal” processing management and further enhance the competitiveness in “external” environment. Internal Benefits: 1. Improve business decision-marking processes: provide comprehensive real-time management information to decision makers, so they can make better decisions based on the best supporting data. 2. Reduce operational costs: reduce costs and time for both IT and business users in writing ad hoc queries and creating dynamic reports. 3. Align organizational objectives and actions: give employees good sense of responsibility in supporting marketing activities, which can help to build up a high performance team with the same goal and further increase business performance. External Benefits: 1. Increase sales performance: show significant improvements in terms of sales, achievement rate, market share, etc. as a result of improving internal workflow and marketing strategies. 2. Raise marketing activities response rates: raise marketing events response rates and mutual fund sales by using the analytical data from business intelligence system for fast decision-making and flexible adjustment on marketing strategies.


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