  • 學位論文


A Study of Limited Partnership on Enterprises- A Comparison of Japanese and Taiwanese Regulations

指導教授 : 林麗香


在全球化影響之下,企業的核心競爭力逐漸轉變,為了在全球經濟競爭中立於不敗之地,日本創設可活用人力資源之組織型態,以美國法為藍本,制定合同公司及日本有限責任合夥制度,以提供日本企業多樣化之選擇。其共同特徵為出資者有限責任以及彈性、靈活的經營方式。而我國行政院於2007年6月27日通過「有限合夥法」草案,若該法順利經三讀通過,未來將出現新型企業組織可供創業投資人選擇。本文透過探究日本合同公司及日本有限責任合夥制度,反省我國之有限合夥法草案內容,與發現不足之處,期能對於我國將來立法具有啟示意義。 第一章緒論,說明研究動機、目的與範圍、架構。第二章為企業組織型態,說明我國與日本目前現行法規下的主要商業組織類型,並提出公司型組織及非公司型組織於實務運作上面臨之問題。第三章為日本合夥型企業組織,本章先考察日本合夥型企業組織之立法藍本—美國法之規定,目前美國合夥型企業組織型態包括:有限合夥、有限責任合夥、有限責任有限合夥以及具備合夥與公司特徵之有限責任公司,接著詳述日本有限責任合夥與合同公司之制度內容,藉由瞭解上述組織類型發展背景與脈絡之過程,作為與我國有限合夥草案比較分析之基準。接著,從有限責任合夥及合同公司目前設立狀況來探討該制度推行時所面臨之問題,以及未來修法之方向。第四章為我國有限合夥法草案之分析,針對目前行政院公佈之有限合夥法草案之立法背景、主要重點加以說明,並與兩合公司及隱名合夥相比較。第五章為結論。


Since the effects of globalization, core competitions of enterprises are changing. In order to solve depression problems, Japanese Government legislate Limited Liability Company (gōdō gaisha) and Limited Liability Partnership (yūgen sekinin jigyō kumiai) modeled after the American Law. Taiwan passed the Draft of Law of the Limited Partnership on June 27, 2007. Should the Law be adopted through third reading, Limited Partnership will become an available type of business organization for entrepreneur. This article is to study Japanese Limited Liability Company and Limited Liability Partnership, and surveys the Draft of Law of the Limited Partnership in Taiwan, Chapter one, General discussion. Explaining the motive, purpose, structure, scope of the research. Chapter two, types of business entities in Taiwan and Japan. And discuss the problems of business entities incorporated. Chapter three, Partnership business organization in Japan. It introduces schemes of Japanese LLC and LLP. Chapter four, to analyze the Draft of Law of the Limited Partnership in Taiwan. Then, compare with Unlimited Company with Limited Liability Shareholders and Dormant Partnership. Chapter five, conclusion.


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