  • 期刊


A Study on the Purchasers' Behavior towards Wood Furniture in Taichung (I) Analysis of Purchasers' Concept on Wooden Furniture



本研究訪問355位台中市市民,以問卷調查前一次購買木質家具時的各種行為。內容包括問題認知、資訊蒐集、方案評估及購買決定,並分析人口統計變數包括性別、年齡、學歷、職業、家庭收入及家庭生命週期等與購買行為之關聯性。調查時間從1990年2月4日起,至3月20日完成。調查結果之家具購買者觀念摘要如下:1.消費者較為喜好之木質家具特點依序為:紋理自然、外觀造型、觸感溫暖。2.認為相同的家具在不同的家具店價格差異很大的受訪者占86.5%。3.肯定有品牌的家具,品質較有保障的受訪者占83.9 %。4.有一半的受訪者否定店面豪華的家具店、商品品質比較好。5.有87.3%苦的人贊成設立家具專門檢驗機構。


This study used a questionaire survey to examine 355 households in Taichung concerning their purchasing behavior towards the wood furnitures bought in most recent purchase. Purchasing behavior including problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives and purchase decision were investigated and the impact of demographics such as age sex, occupation, income and family life cycle were observed. The survey began on Feb. 4 and completed on March 20, 1990. The main results obtained by this study may be summarized as follows: 1. The order that consumers most prefered characteristics of wood furniture were nature grain, design appearance and contact feeling. 2. There were 86.5% of respondents considered that there was a great disparity in the price of the same furniture item among the different retail stores. 3. There were 83.9% of respondents affirmed that a brand named furniture had more guarantee for quality. 4. One half of respondents negated that the furniture retail store with deluxe decoration would have better quality of furniture product. 5. There were 87.3% of respondents approving the establishment of organization to inspect the quaiity of furniture product.
