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Commodification of Residency: An Analysis of Taiwan's Business Immigration Market




In the 1980s, a global immigration market where nation-states are competing with each other to attract potential business immigrants has emerged. Immigrant visas are ever more available to people who have financial resources and who are willing to invest in host countries, a process I conceptualize as ”commodification” of immigration channels. The scheme to attract capital investments in exchange the immigrant status is an invention that creates a shortcut for host countries to plug into a ”global capital supply system.” Various kinds of business migration programs are typical of such scheme. By utilizing a case study of Taiwanese business migration, this paper deliver a detailed analysis of the process of commodification of residency. The research has two goals: first, to analyze how residency became commodified and the monopolistic nature of residency market; second, to support my argument that business migration programs has strength ened he potential immigrants' dependency on private agencies instead of networks in the immigration process. The data collection mainly relies on in-depth interviews with immigration consultant firms and content analysis of immigration advertisements on newspapers.


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