  • 期刊


Study on Color Image of Thematic Restrooms in Chungyo Department Store




Under the intense competition and the pressure of seeking difference, the trend of reconstructing the restrooms has been raised in Taiwan's department store industry. In general, the spatial color is mostly the bright warm color that matches with the demand of succinctness and hygiene, and the color would match with the decoration of the entire department store as well. However, Chungyo Department Store in Taichung City uses a strong and diverse color which brings the researcher's curiosity, so the researcher attempts to discuss the correlation between the essential factors of color composition and visual image. This study regards the thematic restrooms that are announced since 2003 as the study objects; the area ratio, hues, and tones of spatial color have been diagrammed after carrying out on-the-spot filming and applying Practical Color Coordinate System from Nippon Color & Design Research Institute. Moreover, color image analysis is accomplished by studying ”Color Image Scale” of Kobayashi Shigenobu. Furthermore, designer and advertisement planners have been interviewed so as to exchange information of the possible channels of viewing the color image production. This study results are as follows: 1. With regard to gender and age, female-thematic restroom refers to warn color series such as R, RO, YO, RP, which symbolizes enthusiasm and gorgeousness; young girls and ladies are represented by tones as b, lt, p, and v; then dp, dk, dkGy tones are for mature women. Male-thematic restroom mainly refers to hues such as B, G, GB, and colorless, which symbolizes rationality and steadiness; v, dp tones are for young boys and dkGy tone is for mature men. Parent-child-thematic restroom mostly refers to hues such as G, B, and v tone, which symbolizes young and vitality; and p tone is for babies. 2. Considering the commodity price, dk tone and colorless are principally for high priced-commodities, while v, dp tones are mainly for middle priced-commodities. 3. For the aspect of color levels as spatial background, emphasis, and decoration, the formation of image has been influenced by area ratio and division. 4. According to the color image scale, it shows that concentrating on warm-hard and cool-hard quadrants would produce modern and strong feeling, which manifests the bold and various color combination characteristics of thematic restrooms in Chungyo Department Store that is owing to their great correlation with industry and customer categories. As a result, this department store matches the expectation of customers and its enterprise operational concept, ”pleasant and comfortable life”, also create the controversial topic. Moreover, fast advertisement efficiency can be adopted because of Internet world of young group promote its enterprise public's impression.


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