  • 期刊


Examining the Political-Economic Structure of Land Expropriation: From the Viewpoint of Power




權力 土地徵收 公共利益


Land expropriation has become a serious social problem in Taiwan society. Many protests emerge recently because the state abuses its power of eminent domain. Researches indicate that land policy and land expropriation are strongly influenced (or strictly controlled) by local political coalitions. Using the theory of three dimensions of power the paper tries to dissect the institution of land expropriation and power structure underneath of it. The paper would like to explore the problem of why those victims of land expropriation would obedient to the state's orders. What is the root problem of Taiwan land expropriation? In the name of economic growth and election first the paper maintains that the state has manipulated its hegemonic power on those victims, whose human rights have been deprived because of land expropriation. Accompanied with strong influences from local political factions and financial syndicates the problem of land expropriation has been wrongly defined as technical issue, such as the amount of money compensation. The paper argues that in order to solve the problem of land expropriation the problem of it must be put on the right place.


Power Land expropriation Public interest


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