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Using Nonparametric Statistics to Approximate the Reality of Education Management: The Awareness of the Importance and Current Implementation Status of Multiculture of Preschool Principles in Nantou County


多元文化是實現社會公平正義、尊重弱勢的重要議題,且為學前教育行政研究所欠缺,在多數為私立屬自由競爭市場氛圍下,園長之行政經營更顯重要。南投縣主因地形與社經地位的特殊,園長運用多元文化領導與帶領幼兒園多元文化教育之議題更值得關注與落實。相信透過統計方法之適切運用,知覺與現況、園長與教師看法之呈現比較,研究結果將更具參考價值。本研究旨在探討幼兒園園長與教師對幼兒園園長多元文化領導與多元文化教育之重要性知覺與實踐現況。係蒐集相關文獻作為研究主題的理論基礎,而建構「幼兒園園長多元文化調查問卷」為研究工具,研究對象以南投縣公、私立幼兒園之現職園長與教師為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣共取40間幼兒園、120人進行問卷調查,有效樣本為園長24位、教師46位,共70位。問卷調查所得資料屬小樣本,且經Kolmogorov-Smirnov檢定發現不為常態分配,除描述性統計、信度分析、皮爾森相關、卡方齊一性檢定外,更以無母數之Mann-Whitney檢定、Kruskal-Wallis檢定、Wilcoxon Sign Rank檢定處理數據以求貼近真實結果,並比對全省樣本之研究結果討論其間差異。


Pluralistic culture is an important issue for realizing social justice and minority protection, and there is a lack of research about preschool educational administration. Most preschool education is private and belongs to a free competitive market. Therefore, the administrative management of preschool principals is quite important. For Nantou County, due to geographic and socioeconomic distinctiveness, the adoption of Pluralistic culture by preschool principals and the implementation of multicultural preschool education have received significant attention. The author considers that with appropriately applied statistical methods, investigation on the perception and current state of multicultural leadership and multicultural education, as well as differences between viewpoints from preschool principals and teachers, can provide useful references.The research was intended to discuss the awareness of the importance and current implementation status of the multicultural leadership and multicultural education of preschool principals. The theoretical basis of this study was formed by literature review, and the research tool was ”questionnaire of Multiculture of preschool principals”. The subjects were from the population of present principals and teachers of public and private preschools from Nantou County, using a stratified random sampling method. There were 40 preschools and 120 persons sampled for the questionnaire survey. The valid sample included 24 preschool principals and 46 teachers, making the valid sample size 70 in total.The sample size of this questionnaire survey was small and, according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, the data from the questionnaire survey were not normal distribution. In addition to descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and the Chi-square Test of homogeneity, we conducted the nonparametric Mann-Whitney Test, the Kruskal-Wallis Test and the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test to approximate the reality. The author also compared study results from samples collected from other places in Taiwan and discussed the differences.
