  • 學位論文

鄉村型農會經營策略之個案研究 -以彰化縣線西鄉農會為例

Strategic Planning for Rural Farmers Association: A Case Study on Hsien Hsi Farmers Association in Changhua County

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


摘 要 台灣以農立國,所以舉凡政治、經濟、文化、宗教等活動或傳統,都與其農業發展有著密不可分的關係。而與農業發展息息相關的台灣農民組織,計有農會、漁會、農業合作社及農田水利會等四種類型。其中最為普遍而且最具影響力的農民組織就是農會。 台灣農會創立至今已有百年以上歷史,如今被譽為我國組織體系最完整、會員人數最多、及最深入地方基層的人民團體。其對台灣鄉村建設及農業發展影響之深、貢獻之大,為任何組織所難以望其項背。故自日治時代以來,農會儼然成為台灣鄉村發展及農業現代化不可或缺的機構。 但自從加入WTO之後,面對國際貿易自由化的競爭壓力下,我國政府放寬進口管制與開放國內市場,造成農業與農會經營空前的挑戰及競爭。所以多數農會必需有所因應並以策略性思維改變過去經營模式,以確保農會永續經營。其中鄉村型農會因區位不佳、人口外流嚴重,農業等相關產業發展相對落後、再加上資源相形缺乏,面對如此嚴峻挑戰,沒有嘗試錯誤的機會,如何透過策略規劃,整合其現有資源發揮其組織既有優勢,因應外界環境變化,提昇其競爭力以圖存,成為最重要的課題。 基於本研究作者任職典型「鄉村型農會」,且擔任個案農會專業經理人,對農會永續發展前途更責無旁貸,故對本研究個案之鄉村型農會進行經營策略規劃之分析與探討,並透過本研究擬具具體結論以供同類型之鄉村型農會進行經營策略規劃之參考。 本研究針對個案農會進行量化與質化研究,透過CAMELS 、SWOT分析與實際參與觀察,研擬個案農會相關業務經營策略分述如下: 一、 信用業務:創造盈餘、累積資本、開發新的金融商品與金融服務以增加 財源,提供多元服務,成為融入生活的在地銀行。 二、 供銷業務:創新產品及服務、整合通路並與同業進行非競爭性策略聯盟。 三、 保險業務:在法規限制下透過策略聯盟,與保險經紀人合作、行銷保險商品,並留意政策性農業保險制度未來發展方向。 四、 推廣業務:協助農民及配合辦理政府政策外,並與供銷部配合推廣農會特產,建立品牌。 五、 會務業務:任用德才兼備員工,注重人力資源培養,以服務取勝,凝聚向心力。 六、 會計業務:發揮管理功能、建置適合農會之資訊系統及確實遵循法令規定。 依據本研究針對個案鄉村型農會之經營策略規劃之分析所獲致之結論,擬對同類型之鄉村型農會從事經營策略規劃與後續之研究建議如下: 一、應加速全國資訊中心的建立,並建議全國農業金庫等監理單位可建置CAMELS檢核機制。 二、法令政策上,建議放寬信用部營業項目及明確訂定對非營利組織免稅之相關規定。 三、建議後續研究者可將研究重點從策略事前規劃擴及至事中執行與事後考核。


鄉村型農會 經營策略 SWOT CAMELS


Abstract Being exposed to the pressure to liberalize international trade upon joining the WTO on 2002, the Taiwanese government relaxed the regulations on import controls and opened the domestic market. The relaxation brought unprecedented challenges and competitions to the operation of both the agricultural sector and the farmers association. Especially the farmers association in the rural area faced with inconvenient location, depopulation, and less agricultural know-how, along with fewer resources provided. Thus, under the rapidly changing environment, it is crucial for the farmers association in the rural area to carry out a strategic planning, consolidate the available resources, enhance its competitiveness, and finally bring the advantages into full play. Given the fact that the author serves as a general manager of the rural farmers association, whose responsibility is to carry forward the continual development, the thesis discusses and analyzes the strategic planning of rural farmers association through case study. Hopefully, the conclusion of the thesis could be applied on other farmers association with similar characteristics. The methodology for this thesis combines the CAMELS model, SWOT analysis, and the observation from the daily business operations performed with both qualitative and quantitative data. Broadly speaking, the operations of the farmers association could be classified into six categories, namely: (1) The credit business: local banks that create surplus, accumulate capital, structure new financial products and services to increase revenue, provide multi-faceted services, and interact with the locals. (2) The supply and marketing business: provide innovative, quality products and services, integrate channels, and create strategic alliances with competitors. (3) The insurance business: establish strategic alliance with insurance agents to market insurance products under the regulation and at the same time keep an eye on the future development of the agricultural insurance policy. (4) The agricultural extension business: not only assist farmers to comply with the government policies, but also work side by side with the supply and marketing business in promoting agricultural products and further establish a brand. (5) The general affair business: recruit talented, skilled professionals with high integrity, build the employee skill base through training and development initiatives, and establish association cohesion by providing excellent service. (6) The accounting business: enable management function, build applicable information system, and comply with the regulations. According to the conclusions reached from the case study of the rural farmers association, the recommendations to other similar rural farmers associations and further research development are: (1) Accelerate the establishment of the national information center and build a rating model based on CAMELS for the supervisory business units such as the Agricultural Bank of Taiwan. (2) Relax the regulation to incorporate more business opportunities from the credit business and clearly define relevant laws so that nonprofit organization may apply for tax exempt status. (3) Expand further research focus from the preparation for strategic planning to the execution and auditing aspect.


左晉瑋,2010,應用Network DEA於台灣基層農會經營績效之研究。
邱建中、戴登燦、李惠元、陳炎星,1995,台中區基層農會營運現況之調查報告, 台中區農業改良廠研究彙報。


