  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Global Distribution and Coordination of Transnational Business

指導教授 : 湯明哲


當產業逐步走向全球化後,企業勢必面臨釵h的壓力,尤其對於傳統產業來說,因為技術成熟,已開發國家將受到開發中國家的低成本挑戰。由於國界的障礙漸趨於無形,企業將受到更強烈的競爭,不僅僅是低成本的競爭,更可能的是在於對地區回應上的差異化競爭,誰能保有整合效率下的優勢、又能適時、適地的回應差異,是目前國際企業策略探討的重要議題。 本研究主要在以台灣自行車產業為例,先了解台灣自行車產業的地區性優勢,或稱之為比較利益,後以單一個案的方式,探討目前世界自行車產量占有率高達近5%的巨大機械,其跨國營運佈局與協調的方式,可從中了解在自行車產業的特性中,巨大如何能藉由組織流程上的協調,來達到整合的效益與回應的差異。 研究過程中主要運用Porter的鑽石模型,以及構型與架構的模型來分析。前者以台灣自行車產業為對象,了解產業升級的過程、和其地區性優勢。後者用以分析巨大跨國營運的形態。且分析過程中,將進一步簡易的探討巨大品牌與代工的相關議題。 在結論中,將歸納出巨大機械在跨國營運下的優勢,以及其國際化策略轉變後,所伴隨的組織的整合與協調。並將提出自行車產業再專賣市場中的差異化策略和相關的國際化策略;以及品牌與代工的衝突解決和存在的效益。


The onset of global competition has resulted in greater pressures for firms in traditional industries. Firms in developed countries have competed with firms in undeveloped countries for some time, but have traditionally relied on a technological advantage to remain competitive. However, given the maturation of technology in traditional industries, those firms must address the inherent cost advantage afforded those firms operating in an undeveloped country. Firms have responded by internationalizing their operations, and now must deal with fierce competition in prices as well as responses to different local needs. How firms retain an efficiency advantage after integrating themselves into this international scene and how they respond to local differences is the most important issue currently discussed by international business. This research is rooted in the Taiwan bicycle industry, and examines the distinct comparative advantages of local firms. Against this background we examine the case of GIANT, which possesses five percent of global bicycle market share. We will seek to understand how GIANT could acquire local advantages such as integrated efficiency and proper local responses through its processes of organization coordination and its multinational operation arrangement. We use Porter's diamond model to analyze the Taiwan bicycle industry. This allows us to know the industrial upgrading process and its comparative advantages. The configuration-coordination model helps us explain Giant’s multinational operation shape. Finally, we discuss Giant’s synergy from simultaneously implementing different OEM/ODM and OBM strategies. This research demonstrates that Giant accrues a competitive advantage from its multinational operations, the transformation of organization integration and the coordination surrounding its international strategies change point. We also offer differentiating and other related international strategies in IBD channel for the entire bicycle industry, as well as solution to conflicts between OEM and OBM operation and its existing synergy.


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王世敬(2006)。台灣碳纖複合材料製品產業 經營策略之研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200600620
