  • 學位論文


A Research of Designing an Electronic Performance Support System for Academic Affair Administration of Penghu Elementary School

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究之主要目的為根據澎湖縣國小教務工作之困境,規劃出符合澎湖縣國小教務工作電子績效支援系統之細部規格手冊。首先探討澎湖縣國小教務工作現況並分析其工作的困境,來探究教務工作者對於電子績效支援系統之需求,繼而設計符合其需求之電子績效支援系統細部規格手冊的內容。 本研究採用設計本位研究法,依照分析、設計、發展、評鑑等步驟進行。本研究之對象為澎湖縣國小教務工作者,選取教導主任及教務組長共十三人,進行深度訪談,並輔以文件分析來蒐集相關的資料,研究者歸納資料分析的結果,設計澎湖縣國小教務工作電子績效支援系統之細部規格手冊,再依教務工作者之評鑑建議,提出修正之依據。 本研究結論如下: 一、電子績效支援系統係用以提升使用者工作績效的資訊、方法與工具,具有以下的功能:1.透過詳細說明指引,提供教務行政工作相關文件及訊息;2.藉由資訊科技之協助,簡化繁雜的排序、統計、運算、報表列印等工作;3.整合支援工作操作相關之資訊、網站、諮詢、工具、圖片。 二、藉由整合後的工作環境,協助教務行政工作者傳承相關經驗與知能。 本研究提出下列建議: 一、對後續修正:1.研究對象可再擴大至不同職務或工作層面;2.增加量化的問卷調查,以廣泛蒐集需求資訊。 二、對教育行政單位:1.重視學校人力缺乏與經費不足之事實;2.研擬縮短城鄉教師增能之配套措施。 三、對未來研究:1.可實際建置澎湖縣國小教務行政之電子績效支援系統;2.將此系統推廣至其他縣市學校單位;3.建立校際知識共享的工作環境。


This research aimed at designing an electronic performance support system for academic affair administration of Penghu elementary schools. The detailed specifications of the performance support system were suggested. The study investigated the performance problems of academic affair administration of Penghu elementary schools and analyzed the needs for prescribing the electronic performance support system. Then, the detailed specifications of the system were designed. This research adopted the design-based research approach and went through the process of analysis, design, development and evaluation. The 13 participants in this study were academic affair administrators of Penghu elementary schools, including deans and section chiefs. The in-depth interviews and archives collection were conducted for the data analysis. According to the results of inductive data analysis, a detailed specification manual of the electronic performance support system for academic affair administration of Penghu elementary schools was revised according to the suggestions of evaluation. The results of research study were as follows: 1.Electronic performance support system can be used to facilitate the performance of users which has the following functions: (a) Providing relevant data and information through the detailed description guidelines. (b) Simplifying the complex data through sorting, statistics, operational and report printing etc. (c) Integrating the information, websites, consultations, tools and images. 2.Electronic performance support system can assist the academic affair administrators in passing on the relevant experiences and knowledges through the integrated work environment. This research also made the following suggestions: 1. For the future design of the performance support system: (a) Expanding the participants to include different positions or working levels (b) Adding quantitative questionnaire survey in order to collect more comprehensive information. 2. For the educational administration: (a) Paying attention to the problems of shortage of manpower and funds of elementary schools (b) Developing the solution to narrow the gap of teacher manpower between urban and rural areas. 3. For the future research: (a) Building the electronic performance support system for academic affair administration of Penghu elementary schools according to the research (b) Promoting the design of the support system for other school units in different cities(c) Establishing the work environment and culture to encourage knowledge sharing in schools.


吳明隆(2004) 。知識經濟時代對學校創新經營的啟示。學校行政雙月刊,31,
