  • 學位論文


The green illumination and system design in street scale -- a case of Neihu Technological park in Taipei

指導教授 : 黃瑞茂
共同指導教授 : 何德仁


過去與森林共生並利用自然生態為原則的生活方式,隨著生活形態的轉變而逐漸改變。工業時期之後,工業化污染對於生態環境造成顯著的改變。人類生活開始由以自然為本的生活習慣轉變為夜間活動的生活形態。面對生態的改變應該反思不再只是以人為中心來思考都市之照明計畫。應該提出改善方案,使自然與人類的生活環境達到平衡與共生,期望能夠避免光害的問題,適度結合生態與人類之生存環境來串聯生態網絡。 以現代人夜間活動頻繁的照明限制架構下,提出一個對生態環境傷害減少到最低的照明模式系統(綠色照明),此種系統設計將以人與環境做最適當的分配,在此構想體系下設定照明系統。 照明系統設計應如同都市計畫的擬定,必須在初期即納入規範中。關於都市照明設計,首先應該先對區域做定位,利用都市空間架構及社區風貌特色的表現去構築,舉凡科技園區或古蹟區等……。然後依據預設之空間效果訂定規範,再依照規範之設計方向將車道層級、行人徒步區之範圍、公園、建築節點與意象做相關性之整體系統設計。此系統設計必須考量入口意象、照明系統及綠帶系統。在系統設計之後必須依靠公共策略之輔助方能執行的更順利,設定不同層級之獎勵機制。未開放之土地使用部分則結合系統設計中之綠帶系統作一暫時性擴張,使之真正達到綠色照明與人類實際使用需求的照明設計結合。


The life style in pass was commensal with woods and employed natural botany. The influence of environment is getting change as the change of life type. After changing to industry period, the environment started having eminent change by industrial pollution. The living assuetude had changed to having moonlighting from standing on natural environment. To face this change and ecocide, illumination design should not still revolve mainly around human but provide a solution to let living environment is commensal with natural environment. Expecting can avoid the problem of light damage getting worse and combined natural botany and human living environment appropriately to connect an eco-network. Based on the limit of the frequent moonlighting of contemporary, providing a low environment damaging illumination (green illumination), this system design will put the most suitable distribution between human and environment. The illumination will be set by this ideal system. The illumination system design should be like the urban plan brining into at the primary stage. In urban illumination design, the first step is to orientate the region, using the structure of urban space and features of community to frame, including technique and historic monuments…etc. Then standing on the space that set in advance to conclude standard, and standing on the design direction of this standard to put the carriageway. the range of pedestrian. park. the joint and image of building to integrate turning into a complete system design. This system design should consider the image of entrance. illumination system and green belt system. After system design, it should depend on the subsidy of public ploy for implementing more favorably and setting the reward system on various levels. About the ground that isn’t allowed to use, to put the system design combining with green belt to make a provisional spread and achieve the illumination design integrating by green illumination and human requirement practically.


1U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ,http://www.epa.gov/region7/p2/volprog/grnlight.htm
1.landscape designy雜誌社編張琪、劉云俊譯2001.3《世界都市景觀照明》,大陸:大遠理工大學出版社。
