  • 學位論文


Regeneration of Historic District- the case of Dihua street, Dadaocheng

指導教授 : 宋立垚


早期迪化街因與大稻埕碼頭為鄰,占有地理上的優勢故成為傳統產業批發的地方,也造就了本地區當時的繁華景象,但因種種因素致使榮景不再;台北市政府為了保存歷史街區原貌及促進本地區再發展,故於民國八十九年二月一日起變更本地區為大稻埕歷史風貌特定專用區且變更主要計畫及擬訂細部計畫,但實施至今已十四年餘,並未使迪化街的商機好轉,反而更趨沒落,本研究係探討其沒落原因,進而針對原因研擬課題及提出活化對策。 本研究先蒐集歷史街區之相關文獻及國內外歷史街區活化案例,並探討迪化街的歷史發展脈絡及現況調查,以街區之交通動線、產業經營現況、實質空間使用、街道景觀、管理維護等項目作調查並加以彙整,以了解都市計畫變更後迪化街的發展現況與預期目標產生落差的原因,並針對街區的主管機關、專家、學者、迪化街商圈發展促進會、店家代表、購物顧客等相關人員進行訪談,以各受訪者不同角色擬訂定訪談計畫,並歸納為:法令制度、空間、組織、經營管理、行銷等五個面向,作為研究方向。 依本研究結果歸納為:(一)法令制度面向:主政者對迪化街發展之定位不清,配套措施不足。(二)空間面向:公私有空間未有效管制、利用。(三)組織面向:民間組織未發揮協調功能。(四)經營管理面向:店家、街區組織、主管機關對於街區經營管理效能不彰。(五)行銷面向:店家、街區組織、主管機關對於行銷未發揮功能。


Dihua street area has enjoyed its past glory and prosperities as a nexus for traditional wholesale business due to its vicinity to the Dadaocheng wharf. Various factors, however, has come into play and triggered its decline. In the attempt to rejuvenate its development as well as preserve its historic district, Taipei City Government has altered its master and detailed plan, and altered the zoning to the Dadaocheng historic zone since February 1, 2000. For the past 14 years, however, the attempt has failed to improve the prosperity of the area, if not make it worse. This research aims to investigate the factors of decline, and accordingly to propose strategies on regeneration. This study starts from collecting relevant research and case studies on regeneration of historic districts, and then proceeds to investigate the historical contexts and existent situation of Dihua street area. Besides, factors such as traffic circulation, current business and industries, space utility, street landscape, and facility maintenances are also being analyzed to grasp the gap between the expected and current situation. Finally, interview plans are designed targeting the authorities, experts, members of development committee, representatives of shop owners and customers to form five research aspects of this study: law and regulations, space issues, organizations, management, and marketing. Results of the study are categorized as followed: A. law and regulations: vague developmental concept towards the Dihua street area and lack of complementary measures from the authorities. B. space issues: lack of effective management and utilization of both public and private spaces. C. organization: lack of coordination. D. management: lack of managerial effectiveness of shop owners, organizations and the authorities. E. marketing: lack of marketing strategies of shop owners, organizations and the authorities.


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