  • 學位論文


An Application of RFID Technology to Medical Equipment Management-Example of A Public Hospital

指導教授 : 申生元


全民健康保險於民國八十四年開辦以來,提供了民眾更多元化的醫療服務,惟近年來因為中央健康保險局的財務困窘,陸續實施了總額給付及自主方案等措施,對國內醫療院所造成了相當大的衝擊,以往高利潤榮景已不再現,尤其公立醫療院所束縛於法令限制,資金運用不若一般民間醫療院所靈活,又面臨公務預算逐年下降及人員精簡政策,經營已出現危機,不得不思考如何善用科技技術以達成有效管理的目標。 本研究係探討某公立醫院實際導入無線射頻識別技術進行醫療裝備管理作業前後之相關成本比較,並據以進行成本及效益之模擬分析,希能建置一套有效率的管理模式,並作為未來醫療院所架構無線射頻識別技術之參考依據。 研究結果顯示:導入無線射頻識別技術於醫療裝備管理作業,不但可以降低相關作業成本,更可增進病患休養品質及隱私權的維護,達成真正有效管理的目標。


Since the implementation of the National Health Insurance System (NHIS) in 1995, versatile healthcare services have been offered to the public. However, in recent years, because of the financial difficulty, the Bureau of National Health Insurance has adopted several control methods such as total amount of expenditure and self-initiated program in order that NHIS can be operated under planned budget. Those actions have created severe impacts on normal operations for the local medical facilities; that is, high profit era can no longer appear. Especially for the public medical facilities, they have more restrictions imposed by the law, so they can not freely manipulate their funds like other private medical facilities. In addition, they are also facing the decrease of the government budget year by year and the trend of downsizing the personnel. Consequently, top management level of each public medical facuility has to figure out ways for example how to effectively use advanced technology on managing medical related operations in order to save on costs. Recently, the RFID technology has been successfully applied on several fields such as warehouse management, safety management, asset management, and so on. This thesis is to study the relevant costs occurred before and after the implementation of the RFID technology in managing high price medical equipments. Our purpose is to see whether it is profitable for introducing RFID into medical assest management. After analyzing possible sources of relevant cost, we conducted some field experiments using RFID to collect required data. Analysis based on experiment results demonstrate that using RFID technology in medical equipment management can not only decrease the relevant handling costs, but also increase the medical quality in terms of the avoidance of interferring in-patients and the enhancement of the privacy for in-patients.


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