  • 學位論文


The effects of the value of harmony and group relationship on distributive decision: Investigating the situational effects

指導教授 : 黃敏萍


正義,自古以來就是人們注重的議題,它與人們所知覺到的公平感息息相關,而公平感又進一步影響了人們對於日常生活、工作甚至人際關係的態度。 過去西方對於正義的研究,先是集中於分配正義,近來又將焦點轉移至程序正義。然而,在東西方不同的文化下,華人社會隨著儒家思想的潛移默化,漸漸衍生出一種與西方迥然有異的正義觀。華人在實務上對分配正義的重視大於程序正義,不像西方較以貢獻為公平的衡量基準,而更看重視對象而變化的關係與情感,對於平均與需求法則的偏好也大於西方主流的公平分配。 然而,華人研究雖致力於文化對分配正義的影響,但過去對於其影響內涵的研究大部分仍過於簡化,文化與分配正義之間可能存在更多變的關聯。故本研究從此角度出發,除了討論華人重要文化特質”和諧”與”關係”之外,亦以”表現”及”資源”的組合建立了不同情境以探索更加深入。 本研究透過問卷調查法,內容結合情境故事與價值觀量表,收集共400份有效樣本。經統計分析後,發現和諧價值觀的高低對受試者分配正義法則的選擇有其影響,而關係的影響則不顯著。但當加入了情境調節變項後,當情境為表現不一致、關係壞的較不利狀況下,將會強化和諧價值觀的作用;相反地,當情境為表現一 致、關係好的較有利狀況下,關係對於分配正義法則的影響反而變得顯著。相較過去研究,本研究進一步確立了情境的影響效果。


分配正義 和諧 關係 表現 資源


Justice is always a very important issue. It’s related to the feeling of fairness, and this feeling will bring different attitudes toward people in their daily life, work and relationship with others. In the past, the west put their focus on the distributive justice, but change to the procedural justice nowadays. While in the different culture effect between east and west, Confucius thinking made a huge effect to Chinese. Based on this, Chinese developed a different value system about justice with the west. Chinese discuss more about distributive justice but not procedural justice, and don’t use contribution to be the only standard to measure justice. Chinese use relationship and emotion to be the standard more often, and prefer to choose equality and need distribution rules. Even there were a lot of researches about how Chinese culture effect distributive justice, but they are too simple; we believe that there exist more variables and relationships between culture and justice. So, we are not only discuss about two important characteristics including “Harmony” and “group relationship”, but also use “performance” and “resource” to make up several situations to explore more deeper on this issue. Through the questionnaire which includes the situation story and questions to test subject’s value. And we get 400 effective samples. After our analysis, we found out that harmony does have some effect when subjects decide which distribution rules they prefer, but group relationship doesn’t. And after we add the modulating factors which will change the whole situation, when the performance is discordant and relationship is bad, the situation will strengthen the effect between harmony and justice; when the performance is the same and relationship is good, the situation will strengthen the effect between group relationship and justice. Based on this, compare to the researches in the past, we get a more clear inside about situational effect on justice.


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