  • 學位論文


A Study of The Impacts of Social Worker’s Professional Career Commitment From The Perspectives of Quality of Work Life and Job Stress.

指導教授 : 黃志忠


本研究之目的在於探討我國社會工作者之工作生活品質、工作壓力對專業生涯承諾的影響,並進一步找出影響專業生涯承諾之預測因子。 為達成上述之研究目的,本研究以問卷調查法及文獻分析法為主,並輔以深入訪談法為研究方法,問卷之發放以台灣嘉南地區之縣市政府暨公、私立社會福利機構中之社會工作實務者為研究對象,以分層隨機抽樣方式抽取樣本,共計發放問卷466份,回收321份(回收率為69﹪),有效問卷為303份;而在深入訪談方面,則以立意取樣法選取四位社會工作實務者為深入訪談之研究對象。所得資料以社會科學統計套裝軟體(SPSS)進行統計分析,研究結果歸納如下: 1、 在人口特質變項中,以職務、雇用方式、工作時數、及服務領域與專業生涯承諾有顯著相關。 2、 經因素分析後,將社工員之工作生活品質歸納為人際關係、成長機會、專業關係、工作和家庭關係、組織活動和工作自主性六大構面;而將工作壓力歸納為生理壓力、心理和情緒壓力和角色壓力三層面。 3、 社工員之工作生活品質滿意度與專業生涯承諾有顯著的正相關,其中又以專業關係及成長機會的滿意度有顯著的正向關係;另外,工作壓力則與工作生活品質及專業生涯承諾為負相關,顯示壓力愈大,工作生活品質的滿意度就愈低,而專業生涯承諾亦愈低。 4、 「專業關係」、「成長機會」及「服務領域」為預測社工員專業生涯承諾之最佳因子。 根據研究結果,本研究提出相關建議: 1、在機構方面:提供完善的教育訓練,以使社工員能勝任目前及未來的工作,另外,透過員工協助計劃,建立支持系統;同時以目標管理的方式,提高社工員在專業領域的自主性。 2、在社工員本身方面:透過自我評估與自我了解,做好個人職業生涯規劃,同時以自我管理及壓力檢測方式,及早了解壓力來源及其舒解方式,並善用時間管理技巧,以改善工作負荷所造成的壓迫感。


Abstract The goal of this study is discussing that quality of work life, work stress for social workers influence professional career commitment, and furthermore to look for forecast factors that influence professional career commitment. In order to achieve the goal of the study mentioned above, the study centers on the method of questionnaire and literature analysis with the aided method of in-depth interview. Objects of questionnaire that I gave out are social workers with practical experiences at government’s and private institutions of social insurance and human services in south areas with stratified random sampling. Total questionnaires that I gave out are four hundred and sixty-six. Return questionnaires that I received are three hundred twenty-one (The rate of return is 69 percent). Effective questionnaires are three hundred three. About the aspect of in-depth interview, objects of the study are four social workers with practical experiences with stratified random sampling. After statistical analysis with SPSS, I get some results of the study are as follows. 1. About the item of modification in population characteristic, it is obvious relation with job duty, the way of hire, work hours, the field of service and professional career commitment. 2. After factor analysis, life qualities of social workers are six aspects, relationship with people, growth opportunity, professional relationship, work and family relationship, organizational activities, and job autonomy. Work stresses are three aspects, physical stress, mental and emotional stress and character stress. 3. The satisfied degrees of quality of work life for social workers are obvious relation with professional career commitment. Among of them, professional relationship and growth opportunity are positive influence. In addition, work stress is negative relation with quality of work life and professional career commitment. It shows the fact that people have low satisfied degree of quality of work life and professional career commitment when having heavy stress. 4. The best factors to forecast professional career commitment for social workers are professional relationship, growth opportunity and the field of service. According to results of study, I raise some relative proposals. 1. The aspect of institution: to provide perfect educational training makes social workers well do their job now and future. In addition, set up the support system by virtue of plans of employee assistance; meanwhile, enhance social workers’ autonomy in the field of their profession by the method of object management. 2. The aspect of social workers: social workers do well personal professional career plans by virtue of self- assessment and understanding themselves. By this method, social workers can realize the source of stress and the way to relax. Besides make use of time to improve oppression leaded by a load of job. Key words: social worker, quality of work life, work stress, professional career commitment




