  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Physical Activity and Sleep Quality among Clinical Shift Nurses

指導教授 : 周傳姜


本研究旨在了解輪班護理人員身體活動與睡眠品質的相關性,以南部某醫學中心臨床護理人員為研究對象,採橫斷式研究設計,方便取樣共發出問卷1022份,回收932份,回收率91.19%,研究工具包括;(1)個人基本屬性;(2) 「國際身體活動量表長版-台灣中文版,IPAQ」;(3)中文版匹茲堡睡眠品質指標量表(CPSQI),研究資料以SPSS 20版進行描述性統計與推論統計以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、進行統計分析。 結果顯示(1)研究對象每週身體總活動量平均17692.90 (MET-min-wk),以工作身體活動量為5806.85(MET-min-wk)最高,以交通身體活動量為460.60 (MET-min-wk)最低。(2)身體總活動量及工作身體活動與BMI呈現正相關,不同工作科別工作身體活動量有顯著差異;家務活動量與年齡、子女數有正相關;並且在婚姻狀況、工作科別、輪班方式及目前上班班別有顯著差異;休閒身體活動量與教育程度、婚姻方面有顯著差異;子女數、身體質量與中度費力身體活動量正相關。(3)護理人員睡眠品質(PSQI)平均7.16分,睡眠品質良好(PSQI≦5)佔(33.9%),睡眠品質不良(PSQI>5)佔(66.1%)。(4)研究對象個人背景因素工作年資與睡眠品質呈現正相關,年齡與睡眠總時數分數正相關,(5) PSQI身體總活動量及中度費力身體活動量呈正相關,而身體活動量中以工作活動量居多,即身體活動量越高睡眠品質越差。 最後研究者分別對行政管理、在職教育與後續研究提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between physical activity and sleep quality among clinical shift nurses. The cross- sectional survey and convenience sampling were applied to investigate 932 clinical nursing staff of a medical center in southern Taiwan. The composition of the structured questionnaire includes: (1) Demographic variables, (2) International Physical Activity Questionnaire Self-Administrated Long Format (Taiwan Chinese Version) and (3) the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Scale ( CPSQI). The descriptive statistics and inference statistics of SPSS were analyzed by applying independent t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The total physical activity was 17692.90 MET-min-wk. Physical activity during work was rated as the highest with an average amount of 5806.85 MET-min-wk while physical activity during traffic time was rated as the lowest with an average amount of 460.60 MET-min-wk. 2. Both total physical activity and physical activity during work are positively related to BMI. There are significant differences in physical activity among different working departments. The amount of housework was positively related to the age and number of children that each subject had. There are also significant differences among individuals in the case of marital status, the departments which they work, the time of their shift, and the current work shift; the amount of leisure physical activity, education level, and marital status; and both body mass index and number of children are positively related to moderate physical activity. 3.The mean quality of sleep is 7.16 points, with good sleeping quality at (PSQI≦ 5) (33.9%), and poor sleeping quality at (PSQI> 5) (66.1%). 4. The time of shift was related to sleep quality; subject’s ages were positively related to the total number of hours of the sleep duration. 5. The total amount of physical activity and moderate physical activity both are positively related to PSQI. Finally, improvement strategy on hospital administration, in-service education, and follow-up studies were recommended based on the research findings.


Shift work nurse physical activity Sleep quality


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