  • 學位論文


A Functional Posture Approach on the Improvement of Workplace Design

指導教授 : 游志雲


摘要 本研究的目的在於利用人因工程的姿勢分析(OWAS),找出造成肌肉骨骼傷害的成因,並以機能工作姿勢的概念來改善工作場所,以降低肌肉骨骼危害。國內的勞工因工作所引起的肌肉骨骼傷害問題相當嚴重,造成很大的工時與醫療損失。引致肌肉骨骼傷害的成因繁多複雜,近幾年來較具共識的有施力過大、高重複性、高低溫、衝擊震動、工作姿勢不良等五項成因。然而,工作姿勢不良是個最普遍的成因,而且比較容易改善並且改善成效較為明顯。根據行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所與清華大學人體計測研究室合作研究結果,每個工作都有一個最自然、最省力的工作姿勢—稱為機能工作姿勢(Functional Posture)[1]。將這個概念套用到實際的工作場所,找出其適合的機能工作姿勢,可以改善現有不良的工作姿勢,降低肌肉骨骼的負荷,有助於肌肉骨骼傷害的防治。本研究結合OWAS姿勢分析與機能工作姿勢的概念來探討五個案例的改善,分別為:「晶圓進料庫房作業」、「產線庫房作業」、「換模治具箱搬運」、「測試治具搬運」與「出貨包裝作業」。研究結果顯示成功改善「不良姿勢」與「施力過大」的問題。這個研究提供了一個簡單的肌肉骨骼傷害防治方法,值得推廣。 關鍵字:人因工程改善、肌肉骨骼傷害、WMSD、工作場所改善、機能工作姿勢


Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify the causes of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) by using ergonomics method and concept of functional posture for workplace improvements with WMSD reduction. The proportion of WMSD among all occupational injuries is very serious in Taiwan, which results in considerable loss of working hours and medical expenses. In recent years, it is general accepted that the five chief causes of WMSD are bad posture, high repetition, over exertion, vibration, and extreme temperature. Nevertheless, among these five causes, bad posture is the most prevalent and its improvement is relatively simple and cost-effective. According to IOSH Taiwan, a work should be performed while adopting ‘functional posture” so as to reduce musculoskeletal stress, for it is the most natural and energy-saving posture under the requirement of task performance.. This study combined OWAS checklist to identify the causes of WMSD and he concept of functional posture to improve the design of workplaces. The five workplaces under improved are "Wafer Warehouse Operation", "FT Warehouse Operation", "C/K Handling", "Hi-Fix Handling", and "Packaging and Shipping Operation". The results showed that the working posture in these five workplaces all have been successful improved, therefore it is believed that their WMSD can be effectively prevented. Because of the improvement of working posture, the hazards due to over exertion has also significantly reduced. As a summary, this study has demonstrated a simple approach toward the prevention of WMSD, it is quite promising, and worth to promote. Keywords: Ergonomics intervention, WMSD, workplace improvement, functional posture




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