  • 學位論文


The Patterns of Friendly Indoor Spaces in the Chung Yuan Christian University

指導教授 : 胡寶林


近年來,台灣高等教育院校日益增加,大學間競爭力的提升成為校務永續經營的基礎,校園空間「品質」的形塑,即為重要的選項之一。故校園環境透過規劃設計,在校園中創造美麗的建築、不同層次的活動空間與設施,讓不同的學習、人際互動與生活活動在校園場所中發生,形塑出更多具代表性的校園空間意象與氛圍。 中原大學在近年的「校園空間改造」上也已出現一些友善空間新風貌。這是以設計學院為主的教育部計畫執行配合教學實作,以及校內計畫等經費之補助,營造了友善校園的成果。這些空間產生了休憩、聊天、用餐、討論、上課等行為,除了能刺激多元學習外,校園裡的系館室內外公共空間以及中庭都有新的面貌,使學生們停留在校園生活的時間增多了,校園的角落亦可成為學生學習的舒暢場所。各個空間的使用影響了學生的凝聚力,這些空間也許不再稱為生硬的校園空間,而是本論文指導教授所稱的學習與交流互動的「校園大教室」。 本研究目的在於找出中原大學校園裡室內友善交流空間的設計模式及設計元素與使用者的互動情形。本研究以問題與潛力進行現況分析及了解其特色與優缺點,再透過國內成功案例分析與問卷調查,以模式語言方式提出可資參考之建議,並建構下面八種室內空間模式:(1)系館入口咖啡坊;(2)樓層大走廊小組討論桌與沙發;(3)藝術中心走廊學生活動、街舞練習場與半戶外咖啡;(4)活動中心有遮簷中庭社團活動場及交誼桌椅;(5)樓梯間廁所入口彩繪牆面;(6)舞台樓梯與展示樓梯;(7)宿舍大樓複合多元消費交誼空間;(8)圖書館入口交誼展覽大廳等。以上八種校園室內友善交流空間模式,期盼可供大學校園規劃室內空間改善參考,成為活力充足的創意校園。


Since the number of Taiwan higher education institutions has been increasing in recent years, universities are eager to enhance their competitiveness as the basis of sustainable management. Therefore, the creation of “quality” campus environment should be taken into consideration. A felicitous plan delineates attractive and engaging campus environment in which beautiful buildings, multi-layer space and facilities facilitate different learning behaviors, the interpersonal interaction and the daily life activities. As a result, a more representative of campus spatial image and atmosphere will be created. In recent years, Chung Yuan Christian University conducts “campus renewal projects” so that many new images are consequently established. The friendly campus has been built up through the main projects undertaken by the practice learning course of the College of Design and financially supported by the Chung Yuan University’s subsidies as well as by the construction budget of Ministry of Education. The friendly campus provides people with an open and interior space to have a chat, meals, discussions, classes and more multi-learning activities. Moreover, students are more willing to stay longer in the rebuilt public space and the courtyard. Many corners of the campus also serve as venues for students’ learning and living activities. The better use of every space affects the students’ cohesiveness and the friendly space may no longer be known as the blunt campus space but a so called “large-scale classroom” in which students can learn freely and interact with each other as well. The purpose of this study is to identify the friendly communication in the indoor space of different buildings in the Chung Yuan Christian University and in the campus of other examples,and then to examine its design elements, design patterns and the user interaction. In this study, not only the potential problems but also the advantages and disadvantages of current situations are respectively analyzed. Furthermore, this paper will provide some feasible improvements based on the pattern language via the analysis of the case studies and questionnaires. The eight space patterns which can be the framework of the friendly communication space for universities in the future are as following : 1. The design pattern of coffee bar in the entrance halls of buildings. 2. The design pattern of group discussion tables and sofas in the large corridors. 3. The design pattern of arts center corridor for student activities such as street dance practice field and semi-outdoors cafeteria. 4. The design pattern of the student activity center with plenty of sitting furniture for the student associations. 5. The design pattern of stair hall and restroom entrance colored drawing on pottery wall surface. 6. The design pattern of the staircase as a performance staircase. 7. The design pattern of dormitory building compound multi-dimensional leisure space. 8. The design pattern of library entrance internet hall, food hall and exhibition hall.


曾光宗 (2004),《國立新竹師範學院校園中長期整體規劃研究》,新竹,國立新竹師範學院委託
周成柏 (2009),〈中原大學教學區空間改造設計〉,中原大學室內設計研究所碩士論文
林逸青 (2005),《學校建築:規劃設計與工程發包》,高雄:高雄復文圖書出版社
University of Minnesota Press


