  • 學位論文


The effect of “Career Exploration Group” toward career development and career self-efficacy for female vocational high school students

指導教授 : 金樹人


本研究的研究目的有二:(一)探討生涯探索團體的實施對高職二年級女生生涯發展的影響效果;(二)探討生涯探索團體的實施對高職二年級女生生涯自我效能的影響效果。 本研究以台北縣立某國立高職二年級女生20名為研究對象,分別分派至實驗組與控制組,其中實驗組9名,控制組11名。實驗組受試者接受連續兩個週六實施之生涯探索團體方案,並於其間個別接受1.5小時的生涯網路探索活動;控制組則不接受任何實驗處理。本研究採用準實驗研究設計,測量受試者在「生涯發展量表」各分量尺及「高職生涯決定自我效能預期量表」之前測、後測和追蹤後測的得分,並以前測分數為共變量,進行單因子單變量共變數分析,考驗各項假設。研究結果顯示,生涯探索團體方案對高職二年級女生生涯發展之生涯感受、生涯信念、生涯認識、思考廣度、生涯探索、生涯計畫等方面的發展並無顯著效果;對高職二年級女生生涯自我效能的發展亦無顯著效果。 最後,本研究依據研究結果作進一步討論,並提出建議以為諮商實務工作者及後續研究者之參考。


The purposes of this study were: (1) to examine the effect of group intervention on the career development for female sophomore vocational high school students; (2) to examine the effect of group intervention on the career self-efficacy for female sophomore vocational high school students. Subjects were twenty students from one of national vocational high schools in Taipei country. They were divided into two groups; nine of them were in experimental group, and others were in control group. The experimental group members were arranged to attend the career exploration group on two consecutive Saturday and take one and half hours to explore Internet for career information. The control group members received no treatment. All subjects received the pretest, the posttest, and the follow-up test with the Career Development Scale and CDMSE. The data were analyzed by one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results showed that the intervention program was no effect to improve neither the degree of career development nor career self-efficacy. According to the results of this research, discussion and implications for counseling practice and future research in this field were proposed.


金樹人(民88) 國中學生生涯建構系統之分析及實驗研究(Ⅲ):認知訊息處理模式的生涯諮商介入策略。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告:(NSC88-2413-H-003-009)(未出版)。
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