  • 學位論文


The study of secondary and elementary school teacher life-long professional development system in R.O.C. (Taiwan)

指導教授 : 歐陽教 吳清基


摘 要 本研究旨在從理論建構與實證分析,探究我國中小學教師終身進修制度的可行性建構與影響教師參與進修因素以及兩者間關係。析言之,本研究目的有下列六項: 一、探討中小學教師在職進修相關理論基礎。 二、比較世界主要國家中小學教師在職進修概況及特色。 三、分析我國中小學教師在職進修背景及政策發展。 四、探討中小學教師終身進修制度理論背景及建構分析。 五、探討我國中小學教師對終身進修制度之態度及進修影響因素。 六、提供我國中小學教師在職進修政策之改進建議。 本研究之研究方法,在理論探究方面,採用文獻探討及文件分析法,分別從理論及背景分析探討教師進修相關理論、主要國家比較及我國概況沿革,以綜合歸納未來教師終身進修制度分析架構。 在實證探究部分,以問卷調查法及半結構式專家訪談法進行探究。研究工具之調查問卷採用自編「我國中小學教師終身進修制度調查問卷」,以台澎金馬地區全體中小學教師為母群,分層隨機抽樣抽取120校1600位教師為樣本,以敘述統計描述資料分佈,並以積差相關分析、項目分析、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、因素分析及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法,進行資料分析與假設考驗。半結構式訪談工具為自編「我國中小學教師終身進修制度研究專家訪談綱要」,對主要的12位學者專家及行政人員進行訪談、記錄與分析。 根據理論與實證探究的結果主要的發現與結論如下: 一、教師進修教育應為師資養成教育之整體一貫歷程。 二、我國應設有中小學教師進修教育專責行政機構以利推動。 三、教師進修應配合教學專業生涯發展進程規劃終身進修制度。 四、教師終身進修應確立終身學習理念及促進自我導向學習。 五、教師終身進修制度建構,應包含法制、組織、途徑與參與等四個主要層面,並應考量影響教師參與進修因素規劃。 六、教師終身進修制度應先修訂法令,並與其他配合措施:如教師評鑑、教師分級及教師進修護照配合規劃實施,以達成效果。 七、教師對於終身進修制度態度在「相當重要(支持)」至「非常重要(支持)」之間,且「認知」與「行動」的傾向一致。 八、教師較認同的終身進修制度建構層面為「進修途徑」與「教師參與」,次為「組織功能」,再次為「法制體系」。 九、教師對終身進修制度建構的態度,在教師性別、年齡、最高學歷、服務年資、服務機構及擔任職務等背景變項的差異較顯著。 十、影響教師參與進修的主要因素為「進修需求」、「進修活動」與「社會環境」等,至於「進修獎勵因素」的影響相對較低。 十一、影響教師參與進修的因素,在教師性別、年齡、服務年資、服務機構及擔任職務等背景變項上的差異較顯著。 十二、影響教師參與進修的「進修需求」、「社會環境」及「進修獎勵」等因素,對教師在終身進修制度建構的態度具有預測力。 根據本研究的發現與結論提出主要建議如下: 壹、對相關機構的建議 一、教育部應儘速成立師資培育及進修專責機構及單位。 二、教育部應積極建立教師終身進修法制,整合教師進修體系。 三、教育部應速實施教師終身進修護照,建立教師進修資訊系統。 四、地方政府應鼓勵所屬教師參與進修,提昇教師專業發展。 五、地方政府應設立及強化教師研習中心,整合區域進修機構。 六、師資培育大學應整合師資培育與教師進修之任務功能。 七、師資培育大學應協助區域學校,發展「學校中心」進修模式。 八、教師研習機構課程內涵應實務化,並與教學研究結合。 九、教師研習機構應結合民間組織,整合教師進修機構功能。 十、中小學校應成立教師專業發展研究小組。 十一、中小學校應發展以「學校為中心」之多元進修模式,並組成教師專業發展研究社群,發揮教學團隊進修功能。 十二、教師專業團體及教師會應以協助教師專業發展,提昇教師專業地位為主要職責。 貳、對未來研究的建議 一、未來之研究對象可以擴及幼稚園教師。 二、未來之研究範圍可以擴及終身進修制度之法令制訂、內涵整合、進程設計及組織分工等其他範圍。 三、未來之研究方法可以佐以田野研究方式,進行質的訪查。


Abstract The main purpose of this research is to investigate a favorable constructional structure of secondary and elementary school teacher life long professional development system in Taiwan, and to explore the influential factors of urging teachers participate in the in-service education affair, and the relationship among them. The objectives of this research are as follows: First, to study the relevant theories of the secondary and elementary school teachers’ in-service education. Secondly, to compare the general situation and features of the secondary and elementary school teachers’ in-service education among the main countries. Thirdly, to analyze the policy development of the secondary and elementary school teachers’ in-service education in Taiwan. Fourthly, to investigate the secondary and elementary school teachers’ life long professional development theories and to analyze the system construct. Fifthly, to study the secondary and elementary school teachers’ attitude with regard to life long professional development system, and to explore the factors those influence teachers’ participation in in-service education in Taiwan. Sixthly, to offer suggestions for administrative policy of the secondary and elementary school teacher in-service education in Taiwan. The methods of this research have two parts. On the part of theoretical study, we adopt the literature review and the document analysis on theories and background level. The theoretical study explores the relevant theories of the teacher’s in-service education, main country comparison and our country's general situation and historical development, then synthesizes to conclude the teacher life long professional development system construct. On the empirical study, which adopts the questionnaire survey and semi-structured expert interview. The research tool of the inquisition adopts the "The secondary and elementary school teachers’ life long professional development system questionnaire”. The research population is the entire secondary and elementary school teacher in Taiwan, Pescadores, Kinmen and Matsu islands (TPKM). The sample mode adopts stratified random sampling to take 1600 teachers of 120 schools from the population, This research uses descriptive statistics method to describe the data distribution, and use product-moment correlation, item analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, factor analysis and multiple step regression to analyse the survey data. The research tool of the semi-structured expert interview is" Teachers’ life long professional development expert interview outline". And twelve scholars, expert and administrator were interviewed. Major findings and conclusions are follows: 1.The teacher in-service education ought to develop as part of the whole teacher’s education with a consistent process. 2. In Taiwan, we should establish an exclusively administrative organization to manage and propel the secondary and elementary school teacher in-service education affairs. 3. The institutional excogitating of the teachers’ life long in-service education system should match with the development of teachers’ professional career. 4.The excogitating of teacher life-long professional development system ought to establish teachers’ ideas of life long study, and to encourage teachers for self-directed learning. 5. The system structure of teachers’ life-long professional development should include four main levels: legal system, organization function, studies path, and teacher participation. In addition, when planning the system, we must consider factors that affect the teacher participation in the in-service education. 6. To establish the teachers’ life-long professional development system, we should revise the laws and decrees first, besides this, we must have other coordination measures, such as: teacher appraisal, teacher ratings, and teacher in-service education passport etc., program and put into practice, then can accomplish the effect. 7.The teacher’s attitude to the life long professional development system construction are shown from the "rather importance (and support) " to the "very importance (and support) ", and the teacher at the " perception" - to - " activity" tendency also shown very consistent. 8. On the four main levels of the teachers’ life-long professional development system construction, teachers favor "studies path" and" the “teacher participation”, and "organization function", and then "legal system". 9. Teacher’s attitudes for the life long professional development system construction have significant difference in background variable, such as: the teacher’s gender, age, highest educational background, service year, service organization and service post. 10. The factors that highly affect teachers’ participation in the further studies are “the study requirement”, “the activities of study” and “social environment” etc., but the factor of “the study reward", is relatively lower. 11. The factors that affect teachers’ participation in the further studies have some significant difference in background variable, such as: the teacher’s gender, age, service year, service organization and service post. 12. The factors that affect teachers’ participation in the further studies, such as: “the study requirement”, “social environment” and “the study reward", have the dint of estimate to Teacher’s attitude for the life long professional development system construction.




