  • 學位論文


Potential factors associated with parents’ educational anticipation based on Taiwan Education Panel Survey

指導教授 : 黃怡婷


從事高中教育迄今八年,在每次的親師座談會與電話訪談中,家長深切關心子女的學業與未來發展,故建立許多深切期盼,此期望的產生往往受到家長性別、職業、年齡、社經地位、自己過去的學習經驗及親子關係的影響而有所調整。為有效改善老師與家長間的溝通管道,本篇論文希望探討影響學生家長對其子女的教育期望之重要因素。 本研究資料取自中央研究院、教育部和國科會共同規劃之「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey),以下簡稱TEPS,有效樣本共計11,414筆,其中普通高中5,777筆,高職2,761筆,五專2,876筆。父母的教育期望區分為低期望、中期望及高期望。本研究先對所有自變數進行關聯性分析,剔除與應變數相關性低的自變數,類別型自變數利用卡方獨立性檢定,連續型自變數若不服從常態分配時,則使用Kruskal-Wallis檢定。利用Rubin多重插補法插補遺失之樣本資料,並以基線類別LOGIT模型推估整體的父母的教育期望與其他變數的關聯性。 以基線類別LOGIT模型找出影響學生家長產生高教育期望的因素,高中組為父親是本省客家人、母親主管職位、母親與子女互動時間長、兒子、由子女自己決定就讀目前高中、子女有高自我教育期望、子女數3個、家庭月收入高、公立學校、都市學校;高職組為母親主管職位、子女有高自我教育期望、家庭月收入為5-10萬元、公立學校、校方關心子女學業;五專組為父親高學歷、父親與子女互動時間長、母親主管職位、子女出生序為第三以後、子女有高自我教育期望、家庭月收入高、公立學校。影響學生家長產生低教育期望的因素,高中組為父親低學歷、母親與子女互動時間短、老大、兒子、由自己決定就讀目前高中、子女有低自我教育期望、多子女數、家庭月收入低、非都市學校、校方關心子女學業;高職組為父親低學歷、為本省閩南人、母親與子女互動時間短、子女有打工經驗、由父母或長輩決定就讀目前高職、子女有低自我教育期望、私立學校、非都市學校;五專組為母親因身體不適而影響日常作息、子女有低自我教育期望、家庭月收入低。 三組影響學生家長產生教育期望的重要因子為「子女的自我教育期望」,在親師溝通的過程中,讓家長了解子女在校各方面的表現,方可建立合理的教育期望。


Engaging in the senior high school education for eight years, during teacher's forums and telephone interviews, I have found that parents are concerned about their childrens’ academic performance and their future development profoundly . Often, parents’ anticipation is related to parents' sex, occupation, age, socioeconomic status, their past studying experiences and their relationship with students. To effectively estabhish the communication between parents and school teachers, it is then important to identify potential factors that are associated with the academic anticipations of parents to their children. This study used the data collected by Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) designed by Academia Sinica, Ministry of Education, and National Science Council. This data consisted students from three different systems including the senior high school, professional senior high school and the junior college. There were 11414 eligible students, where 5777 students were from senior high schools, 2761 students were from the professional senior high school and 2876 students were from the junior college. The parent’s anticipation was classified into three categories, high, median and low anticipation. The chi-square test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to assess the bivariate association between parents’ anticipation and available factors. The missing values were imputed by the multiple imputation proposed by Rubin (1987). The baseline category logit model was used to assess the multivariate association between parents’ anticipation and all available factors. Based on the baseline-category LOGIT model, the potential factors associated with for parents with high expectation are fathers’ origins which are from Hakka, students’mother being managers; longer interactive times between mother and children; male students; children who can freely decide where to study; children themselves who have higher academic anticipation; the number of siblings being 3; students who are from high-income families; students who study in public schools; and schools which are located in the city for students studing in the senior high school. For students from professional senior high school, the siginificant factors include students mothers being managers; children themselve who have a higher acedemic expectation; the family income being NT 5000 – 100000 monthly; students who study in the public school and the school administratives who concern about students’ academic achievement. Lastly, for the students from the junior college, siginificant factors are similar to that from the senior high schools, except that the order of siblings. On the contrary, some potential factors associated with for parents with the low expectation are similar to those for parents with higher expectation except that fathers who have lower educational background. As for the professional senior high school, potential factors also include parents who decide where to study, students who work part-time occasionally, fathers’ orgins being Minnan, a lower academic anticipation for themselve and the school location. Finally, factors that associated with students who are in junior college with lower expectation are mothers who are not feeling well and have difficulties in their daily life, students themselves expecting lower academic achievement and from low income families. No matter which schools students come from, academic achievements that students themselves expect are the most important factors that influence parents’ expectation about their children’s academic expeaction. During the communication between teachers and parents, teachers should let parents understand the academic achievements to establish effectively educational expectation about their children.


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