  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


隨著經濟的發展與資訊科技的進步,消費型態的改變讓市場已經轉變為少量且多樣化,而物流業者必須以少量、多樣、多頻率的配送方式來滿足消費者與零售商的需求。 越庫作業是物流作業中的一種策略,當物流中心收到各家供應商的貨物後,依顧客需求加以拆解、分類及堆放,接著裝上配送卡車,送往顧客所要求的交貨地點,其中所有的品項均不需進貨檢驗,也不會長時間儲存於物流中心。故透過越庫作業,可以消除存貨問題,並減去品項之進貨、入庫、儲存、理貨與訂單批次化等作業,能使訂單在最短的時間內被處理完成。 本研究針對配銷商型越庫(Distributor Cross Docking)的作業環境中,具有多排暫存格的佈置環境下,暫存區儲位指派規劃及揀貨點的選取並搭配不同的揀貨路徑為主要的探討重點,探討如何使品項從進貨到出貨的時間最小化,並規劃出一個有效率的越庫環境。本研究使用總系統執行時間(Total System Time, TST)、總揀貨時間(Total Picking Time, TPT)與總旅行距離(Total Distance, TD)做為績效指標,經由模擬之結果來探討三種法則搭配後對作業效率之影響。


With the increase of the economy globalization and the rapid development of the internet, consumer market’s demand has become small-volume production of a wide range of different items. Under these circumstances, the operation of distribution center becomes the focus of competition for enterprise due to the product life cycles shorten and the concept of supply chain emerges. Cross-docking is a strategy in logistics operations .We set items can transport to the logistics center by the supplier, and classify them in accordance with the orders. After the orders are completed, these items directly transport to the outbound dock waiting for shipping. In addition, the items do not need to store in the logistics center. Hence, we can eliminate items on the inbound, put away, and storage in the cross-docking environment. This research proposed three decision-making strategies: storage assignment, picking point strategies and picking route strategies. Simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed strategies in three performance measures – Total System Time(TST), Total Picking Time(TPT), and Total Picking Distance(TPD).




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