  • 學位論文


A Study of the Internet Marketing Strategy a Fashion Motel in Nantou Taiwan

指導教授 : 嚴國慶 朱瑞淵


近年來,在政府積極的推動觀光產業下,休閒旅遊事業不斷創新、演進,呈現出不同樣貌並且朝向多元化發展。旅館業在觀光休閒產業中更是扮演著極重要的角色,其中精品汽車旅館以新潮、漫浪與時尚的訴求,將原本興盛於美國的汽車旅館,在台灣呈現出在地化的設計風格。因應多樣化顧客的需求,以及強調生活情趣為當前旅遊休閒住宿業發展之新標的,本研究將鎖定精品汽車旅館為研究對象進一步深入探討。 根據E-ICP2009年學術版研究顯示,每2000人就有1326人有上網的經驗,在66.30%的上網人數中發現,網路已經是現今新一代的行銷新方式,因此本研究著重於時尚精品汽車旅館之網路行銷手法,透過問卷調查方式,分別由組織面、產品面及程序面三方面分析。在組織方面,可以運用網路將一些制度儘可能的資訊化功能;在產品方面,除了提供硬體方面的房間與空間之外,還可加入無形的親切感、舒適感、及安全感;在程序方面,可提供讓顧客上網預訂房間、查詢訂房狀況、刷卡付費等等功能都可以大幅改善消費者訂房的方便性,透過三方面的分析進而改善精品汽車旅館之網路行銷策略並提升其競爭能力。


In recent years, under the government’s emphasis on promoting the tourism industry, recreation and travel industry has been growing and evolving to grow in multifaceted manner to appear in different fashions. In the tourism industry, hotels have held a particularly important role, especially the motel idea imported from USA with emphasis on appealing to the different appetite of their customer including those seeking romance, fashion or even new age designs, by incorporating the local colors in their designs and architecture. To cater the multifaceted needs of the customers and to emphasize romantic life style themes are the new frontiers for the recreational travel and hotel industries. But past studies discussing the travel industry usually center on international tourist hotels. Due to this, this study will place its emphasis on boutique motels and study them in detail. In consideration of continuously evolving tourism industry, the traditional marketing must combine with new strategy to cope with new challenge. According to academicals study E-ICP in 2009, 1326 out of every 2000 person has experience using the internet. 66.30% of internet users have discovered that internet is the retail channel of the new generation. We focused on online promotional strategy of boutique motel and discussed the competitive advantage of the industry. Questionnaire results and difference matrix are employed to analyze the advantage and disadvantage of current promotional methods of the boutique motels. We will combine the advantage of current promotional method with new generational promotional method to design an efficient and effective online promotional strategy to increase the competitiveness of boutique motels.


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