  • 學位論文


Industry Cluster and Location Select of Motels in Taichung City

指導教授 : 張峻嘉 鄭健雄


台灣旅館產業的發展,汽車旅館扮演重要角色,近年來國內旅遊的重視,國人生活型態、品味要求與觀念的改變,裝潢創新與突破、服務性質、產品與價格的明顯區隔,進而加速汽車旅館產業的進展,具有清楚的定位,對於汽車旅館產業的研究奠定重要基礎。 本研究欲了解台中市汽車旅館區位選擇的因素。首先,透過交通部觀光局統計資訊與全球定位系統(Global Positioning System, GPS)手持器實地定位,確定台中市合法汽車旅館名單、地址、座標。其二,應用地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System)與最近鄰分析法(Nearest-Neighbor Method),了解空間分布型態。其三,回顧產業群聚相關文獻,整理出產業群聚形成因素,透過業者訪談,彙整出影響台中市汽車旅館區位選擇的因素。 本研究結果:(一)空間分布型態,台中市全區空間分佈型態為密集型,以行政區區分,東區、北區、南屯區、西屯區、北屯區分布型態為密集型,南區為隨機型。(二)群聚形成因素,台中市全區與市場因素、交通因素、周邊資源具有關聯性。以行政區區分,屯區(南屯區、西屯區、北屯區)與市場因素、交通因素、周邊資源具有關聯性;東區與北區業者皆表示不願意或拒絕受訪,透過其他行政區業者訪談,初探東區與市場因素具有關聯性;北區與交通因素、周邊資源具有關聯性。(三)區位選擇因素包含競爭者數目、競爭者規模、鄰近特種行業、周邊資源、交通近便性、交通流量、土地成本、店面易見度。 最後,本研究發現台中市汽車旅館產業發展與產業群聚的形成,土地相關因素、特種行業具有密切關係,具有深度探討的價值。


Motels play important role and development in lodging industry in Taiwan. Due to Taiwanese have payed more attention to domestic travel, motel has been segmented via consumer life style, taste and concept change, and motel’s sense, decoration, and price. Thus, motels industry has been promoted into a clear position. This study aims to investigate factors effect on motel’s location selection in Taichung City. First, motels were compiled into a list according to address and position surved by Bureau of Tourism and Global Positioning System. Then, the spatial distribution of motels are from Geographic Information System and Nearest-Neighbor Method. Finally, elements of industry cluster from literatures review and interview. After the investigation several factors were found. First, the spatial distribution in Taichung city is clustered, East district, North district, Nantun district, Setun district, Batun district are clustered, and South district is random. Second, factors of industry clusters that have significant effects on market conditions, traffic conditions, nearby resources in Taichung city, Nantun district, Setun district, Batun district. East district is market conditions, North district are traffic conditions and nearby resources. Governmental Policy, human resource and knowledge spillover have no concern with. Third, factors of location selection are numbers and scale of the competitors, nearby special businesses and resources, access, the traffic flow, land cost, obviousness. Forth, land factor and eight businesses are also relationship with clustering.


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