  • 期刊


Improvement Project Introducing the Hospital Environment to New Patients in Pediatric Wards


背景:本單位為兒童內科病房,平均每日入院高達10床,經實際查檢發現護理人員於兒科病房環境介紹完整率偏低,僅51.9%,其主要原因為:(一)環境介紹項目多;(二)介紹過程被中斷;(三)環境介紹輔助工具不足;(四)家屬未被說明及更換照顧者時未被介紹。目的:兒科病房護理人員環境介紹完整率從51.9%提升至91.0%以上。解決方案:經由專案小組擬訂解決方案:(一)錄製環境介紹影片並製作QR code(quick response code);(二)提供介紹影片多元播放工具;(三)配合病房吉祥物,進行病房友善環境佈置;(四)配合病房吉祥物,設置安撫用物;(五)修訂環境介紹本內容;(六)制定環境介紹核對清單(checklist)。結果:環境介紹完整率由原先的51.9%提升至97.6%。結論:兒科病房不僅要提升環境介紹的完整性,也要塑造友善的環境,本專案藉由影音檔及QR code的方式,並提供多元的播放工具及查檢表,有效提升環境介紹之完整性,維護病童良好的照護品質。


Background & Problems: The pediatric ward in our hospital has an average occupancy rate of ten patients per day. An investigation found that nurses had a low (51.9%) rate of completing the required introduction to the hospital environment for pediatric ward patients. The main reasons for this low rate were found to be: 1) the large number of items to be introduced, 2) interruptions of staffs during the introduction process, 3) the lack of sufficient introduction tools, and 4) patient family members and new caregivers not being given the introduction. Purpose: To increase the rate of completeness of nursing staffs introducing the hospital environment from 51.9% to over 91.0%. Resolution: The project team proposed the following solutions. First, make a video introducing the general hospital environment and make it accessible via QR (quick response) code; second, provide multiple introduction video tools; third, make the environment more friendly using ward-mascot-themed décor; fourth, install fixtures in the rooms that complement the ward-mascot theme; fifth, revise the contents of the environment introduction; and sixth, make an environment introduction checklist. Result: The completeness rate of environment introduction increased from 51.9% to 97.6%. Conclusions: The pediatric ward not only increased the environment introduction completion rate but also created a more friendly environment. Using the video and QR code and providing multiple video players and a checklist has efficiently increased the environment introduction completion rate and, in creating a more friendly environment, has successfully maintained nursing quality.


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