  • 期刊


The Effect of Environmental Stressors on the Association between Outdoor Leisure, Place Attachment, and Well- Being in Urban Greenway among Middle- Aged and Older Women




The purpose of this study is to construct a conceptual model of environmental stressors, place attachment, outdoor leisure activities, and well-being. A total of 461 female participants completed questionnaires in the 13 greenways in Taichung. The study validated the goodness of fit index of the model by conducting Structural Equation Modeling and path analysis. The results indicated that: (1) environmental stressors correlated significantly negatively with outdoor leisure activities; (2) outdoor leisure activities associated significantly positively with place attachment; (3) place attachment related significantly positively to well-being. However, there were indirect paths between environmental stressors and well-being in the presence of place attachment and outdoor leisure activities. That is, participants who perceived higher levels of environmental stressors reported engaging in outdoor leisure activities less frequently, and in turn reported lower levels of well-being. In addition, participants who encountered higher levels of environmental stressors might improve their place attachment, which in turn increased their levels of well-being. Taken together, the results provide evidence of the effect of urban green space on well-being for institutes of environmental management as well as further research.


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