  • 學位論文


A Study on Learning Satisfaction for Performing Arts Curriculum of Junior High School Students in Taipei City

指導教授 : 張嘉育


本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國中生表演藝術課程學習滿意程度,並探討不同背景變項臺北市國中生表演藝術課程學習滿意度之差異情形。本研究採問卷調查法,以臺北市98學年度第二學期國民中學學生為研究對象,並以「臺北市國中生表演藝術課程學習滿意度」調查問卷為研究工具,共發出問卷1,019份,回收有效問卷861份,問卷有效回收率95%。統計方法採百分比、次數分配、平均數、標準差、單一樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析。經資料處理分析後,獲得以下結論: 一、臺北市國中生表演藝術課程學習滿意程度,為高於中等程度,其中教 師教學滿意度最高,學習環境則最低。 二、教師教學層面滿意度,為高於中等程度,其會因學生年級、學校規模 及藝術領域成績有顯著差異。 三、課程設計與安排層面滿意度,為高於中等程度,其會因學生年級、學 校規模、參與才藝學習活動及藝術領域成績有顯著差異。 四、學習環境層面滿意度,為高於中等程度,其會因學生年級、學校規模 及藝術領域成績有顯著差異。 五、學習效果層面滿意度,為高於中等程度,其會因學生年級、學校規模、 參與才藝學習活動及藝術領域成。 績有顯著差異。 六、人際關係層面滿意度,為高於中等程度,其會因學生年級及藝術領域 成績有顯著差異。 最後,根據研究結果對教育行政機關、學校、老師個人及後續研究提出重要建議如下,以作為提升表演藝術課程學習滿意度之參考。 一、增設教育補助,重新檢視表演藝術課程的學習環境。 二、明定排課方式,實然面落實教學正常化。 三、學校行政應盡力支援教學,提升學習品質。 四、配合教學進度與內容,規劃校內展演與結合校外資源。 五、課程安排與設計,由淺入深循序漸進。 六、動態與靜態課程相互配合。 七、教學方法多樣化及善用教學媒體。 八、回饋以正向積極的方式。 九、運用合作學習,降低學生上臺焦慮。


This research is about learning satisfaction for performing arts curriculum of junior high school students in Taipei City, and making a research to find out how the different backgrounds affect the results. The questionnaire survey procedure was used in this study, and the tested groups are the junior high students in the second semester of 98 school year of Taipei city.「Learning Satisfaction for Performing Arts Curriculum of Junior High School Students in Taipei City」survey questionnaire was used as the material. 1019 questionnaires were distributed and 861 were collected which accounted for 95%. Percentage, Frequency Distribution, Mean, Standard Deviation, One-Sample, T-test, and one-way ANOVA were used in this study for statistics. Important findings were as follows: 1. The learning satisfaction for performing arts curriculum of junior high school students in Taipei City is above the intermediate degree, where the lecture satisfaction is the highest and the learning environment satisfaction is the lowest. 2. As for the lectures of teacher, it would differ obviously from the grade, school scale, and grades of art field. 3. As for the design and arrangement of curriculum, it would differ obviously from the grade, school scale, participating in talent and skill learning activities, and grades of art field. 4. As for the learning environment, it would differ obviously from the grade, school scale, and grades of art field. 5. As for the learning effect, it would differ obviously from the grade, school scale, participating in talent and skill learning activities, and grades of art field. 6. As for the interpersonal relationship, it would differ obviously from the grade and grades of art field. In the end, according to the research results, we have made some suggestions to educational administration institutions, schools, teachers, and the follow-up research as a reference for the purpose of promoting the learning satisfaction for performing arts curriculum of students. 1. To settle the additional education subsidy and inspect again the learning environ- ments of the performing arts curriculum. 2. To stipulate the way of class arrangement and achieve the lecture normalization. 3. The school administration should support the teaching with every effort to promote the learning quality. 4. To coordinate the teaching progress and the content and plan the performance in school and combine with the extracurricular resources. 5. The curriculum arrangement and the design should proceed in an orderly way from easy to difficult. 6. The tendency and the static curriculum should coordinate mutually. 7. The teaching methods should be diverse and the teaching media should be taken good advantage of. 8. Back coupling by the forward positive way 9. To use the cooperation learning to reduce the stage frights of students.




