  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Job Stress and Job Burnout of Junior High School English Teachers : Taoyuan County as an Example

指導教授 : 張淑慧


本研究的主要目的是探討桃園縣國中英語教師的工作壓力與工作倦怠之現況,並探究其工作壓力與工作倦怠之關係。 本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園縣國中英語教師為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣方式取樣241人,回收210份問卷,有效問卷204份。統計方法採用描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關、典型相關和多元迴歸來分析資料。根據資料分析的結果,本研究獲得以下結論: 1. 國中英語教師在整體工作壓力的知覺程度屬於中等,其中「教育變革」層面的得分 最高。 2. 國中英語教師在整體工作倦怠的知覺程度屬於中等偏低,其中「情緒耗竭」層面的 得分最高。 3. 不同背景變項的國中英語教師在工作壓力方面無顯著差異。 4. 不同背景變項的國中英語教師在工作倦怠方面有顯著差異。 5. 教師工作壓力與工作倦怠有顯著正相關。 6. 教師的工作壓力對工作倦怠有顯著的預測力。 根據上述結果,對教育主管機關、學校、英語教師及未來研究方向提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the current state of job stress and job burnout of the junior high school English teachers in Taoyuan county. The relationship between their job stress and job burnout was also investigated. This study adopted questionnaire survey. The questionnaires were given to 241 junior high English teachers in Taoyuan County by stratified random sampling. 210 teachers participated in this survey. Among the questionnaires, 204 of them are valid. The statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, Canonical correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of the study were listed as the following: 1. The junior high English teachers' job stress is at the intermediate level, and the dimension " reformation of education" scored the highest. 2. The junior high English teachers' job burnout is below the intermediate level, and the dimension " emotional exhaustion" scored the highest. 3. There were no significant differences of teachers' job stress among teachers with varying background variables. 4. Significant differences of teachers' job burnout were found among teachers with varying background variables. 5. There was significant positive correlation between teachers' job stress and job burnout. 6. Teachers' job stress can significantly predict teachers' job burnout. Key words: job burnout, job stress, Junior high English teachers


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