  • 期刊


Effects of Chicken Essence Supplementation on Immune Response After High Intensity Exercise


本篇研究之目的在探討高強度運動(80% VO2max)後,補充雞精對於血漿中免疫球蛋白IgG和IgA,及細胞激素interleukin-1β(IL-1β)、interleukin-2(IL-2)、interleukin-6 (IL-6)及tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)變化之影響。本研究採交叉雙盲試驗,16名健康女學生於強度爲80% VO2max跑步機運動30分鍾,再以每分鍾增加1%的坡度至受試者力竭爲止,運動後5分鍾飲用140ml雞精或安慰劑,二次耐力運動至少間隔一週。採血點爲運動前、後及運動後第1、2小時,以酵素免疫分析法檢測血漿之細胞激素與免疫球蛋白。結果顯示不論雞精組或安慰劑組,運動後血漿中IL-1β、TNF-α、IL-2及IL-6均有昇高的現象,與運動前相較並未達顯著差異,而運動後血漿中IgG和IgA與運動前相較之下,有顯著性地昇高;在運動後恢複期方面,雞精組於恢複期血漿中IL-1β、TNF-α、IL-2的分泌上昇的比率有高於安慰劑組的現象;而雞精組於恢複期的IL-6分泌上昇的比率有低於安慰劑組的現象,然兩組間並未達顯著差異。因此,本研究結果顯示力竭示力竭運動後僅補充雞精一次,對血漿中細胞激素的影響並不具顯著差異性。


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of chicken essence on the change of plasma cytokines and immunoglobulin after high intensity exercise. Sixteen health female college students were assigned to drink either chicken essence or placebo on two sessions separated by one week. Subjects run on a treadmill at an estimated speed corresponding to their 80%VO2max for 30mm. Then, the exercise intensity was increased by 1% grade every minute until they become exhausted. Double-blind cross-over was adopted in this study. Blood samples were collected pre-exercise, at exhaustion, 1 and 2hr after exercise. The plasma concentrations of IL-β, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-2, IgG and IgA were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All values were expressed as percentage compared to the values obtained at exhaustion. Increased levels of IL-β, TNF-α IL-6, IL-2, IgG and IgA were observed immediately after exhaustive exercise, only IgG and IgA had significant difference as compared with the values of pre-exercise. The increased percentage of plasma IL-β, IL-2 and TNF-α were higher in chicken essence group than in placebo group during recovery period. The increased percentage of plasma IL-6 was lower in chicken essence than in placebo group during recovery period. However, all parameters had no significant difference between two groups. In conclusion, these results showed that short term chicken essence supplementation had no effects on inflammatory cytokines and immunoglobulin after high intensity exercise.


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