  • 學位論文


The Interaction between Public Accountability and Government Response in News Media: A Case Study of 2014 Edible Oil Events in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王宏文


民主治理所強調的公共課責,能夠調和政治與民主之間的落差,來達到良善治理的目標,讓政府的作為能夠符合民眾期待。在2014年台灣發生嚴重的食安危機,使得政府相關單位備受批評。在事件發生期間,媒體報導能作為傳遞公共課責的管道,來向政府進行課責與監督,進而使得政府必須要有所回應來減緩公共課責的壓力。那麼媒體報導當中的公共課責,與行政機關的回應間存在什麼樣的互動關係,為本研究主要欲探討之問題。   本研究主要透過蒐集《自由時報》、《中國時報》、《聯合報》及《蘋果日報》四大報與政府相關單位的新聞稿等次級資料進行分析,並採用內容分析法、主題分析法與時間序列分析三種研究方法,來了解媒體報導當中的公共課責與政府回應間的互動關係。   在媒體報導的整體課責情況,研究發現四大報間之課責內容的新聞數量與課責方式存在著顯著差異。在課責者與被課責者方面,民眾、國會議員與政治人物是主要的課責者,針對中央政府、相關廠商與政府整體進行課責。在媒體報導對行政機關的公共課責方面,研究結果顯示近五成的新聞會提到相關的行政機關,而這些新聞都可能會成為引發公共課責的導火線(Spark),但實際上新聞當中有對行政機關課責比例僅約三成(總數的13%)。進一步探討,課責新聞當中媒體報導的課責來源,可以發現媒體報導主要是作為提供課責平台(Forum)的角色,來對行政機關進行課責,約占67%的比例;另一方面,媒體報導同時也作為將政治課責的聲音擴大(Amplifier)的角色,能夠強化政治課責的過程,約占33%;其中國會議員與NGO大致上為各個行政機關的主要課責者,代表國會議員對行政機關仍具備一定的影響力,並且在食安議題上,我國相關NGO的發展已相當成熟,能夠對行政機關進行課責。   而在政府回應方面,研究結果顯示在涉及多元行為者的食安領域下,各行政機關能夠採用課責轉移的策略。同時在面對危機事件時,行政機關一開始也會較傾向使用「大事化小、小事化無」的否認問題或是課責轉移的策略,考量成本最低的回應方式,以不改變機關的責任範疇為優先,而個人責任的承擔或是積極的作為,會是最後的回應方式。同時,行政機關回應方式的改變,除了來自政治上的壓力外,社會上的輿論也可能影響行政機關的回應方式。   最後,在公共課責與政府回應的關係方面,本研究使用向量自我回歸模型(VAR)並進行Granger因果檢定,發現公共課責的變動會Granger影響政府回應的變動,在衛福部門、環保署與經濟部三個行政機關皆達到顯著性的影響。前兩者為正向的關係,後者則為正負向關係皆存在。然而,政府回應的變動也有可能會Granger影響公共課責的變動。當環保署回應的程度越高,則公共課責的次數也會增加。這樣的結果可能代表著,若是政府的回應內容不佳,即便是積極的回應或是制定相關政策,仍然可能引起更高更多的課責。   因此,本研究提出三點政策建議,政府應加強危機管理之能力,並改善風險溝通的論述方式,強化跨部會間的溝通與協調,才能有效的回應民眾需求,達到民主治理的目標。


The concept of public accountability in democratic governance could mediate the gap between politics and democracy, making government behavior meets public expectation. In 2014, serious food safety events broke out in Taiwan. Related agencies were severely criticized. During the period, the media plays an important role in public accountability, forcing government to respond and deal with the reputational threat. The relation and interaction between public accountability and government response, is the main issue of this study. This study collected the secondary data including four widespread newspapers in Taiwan (Liberty Times, China Times, United Daily News and Apple Daily) and related agencies’ official press. By using content analysis, thematic analysis, and time series analysis to explore the relation and interaction between public accountability and government response. First, in media coverage, this study found that the amount of coverages and the ways of accountability among four widespread newspapers are significant different. In these coverages, the public, legislator and politician were the main accountability forum to account government and related companies. This study found that about 45% media coverage would mention at least one government agency, but only about 29% (13% in total) are associated with blames. In these coverages, media would mainly be a Forum which delivering social accountability (67%) and be an Amplifier to enlarge the political accountability (33%). Additionally, legislator have great power to agencies, and NGOs’ influence in the food safety issue is getting stronger. Second, in government response, this study found that agencies are able to shift the blame in the food safety issue which includes multiple stakeholders. Agencies also tend to deny or take strategy for shifting blames when facing crisis. They would respond in the least cost rather than adapt the issue into their responsibilities. Due to political concern and public pressure, agencies’ responses might change. Last, the relation between public accountability and government response, this study use vector autoregression model (VAR) and Granger Causality test. The results provide the evidence that the change in public accountability would Granger impact the change in government response in MOHW (FDA), EPA, and MOEA. The former two are positive, the other are positive/negative. However, the change in government response would also Granger impact the change in public accountability in EPA. It indicated that even though EPA responded more active, if the content of responses were not meet the public expectation, it would induce more blames. Accordingly, this study suggest that government should improve the ability of crisis management, risk communication, and strengthen communication and coordination across agencies. In this way, Government would have a better responsiveness and achieve democratic governance.


