  • 學位論文


The Planning and Application of Water Resources to Taipei Zoo Equatorial Rainforest

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠 曹先紹


全球氣候變遷影響下而導致世界各地氣溫與降雨的變化,大氣間的變化牽動著地球氣候的改變,降雨逐漸分佈不平均,水資源將更加珍貴,在這一個世代,水不再只是「資源」,而是另一種需被重視的「能源」。 臺北市立動物園為台灣標竿性動物園,惟動物園因為展示(展場、景觀)與使用(動物、遊客、澆灌等)上之需要,為用水量相當龐大之機構,如何更有效益應用水,成為相當重要的課題。目前園方已計劃將現有夜行動物館移除,並結合周邊空地於現址規劃熱帶雨林館區:室外展示區計劃讓動物混群展示,並以水壕圈養展示物種,室內溫室館規劃水族展示,並融入亞馬遜熱帶雨林情境,以達到模擬自然生態展示教育之效果,惟欲達到規劃目標情境,所使用水量不容小覷,且於氣候變遷下的未來,水資源供應不穩定的影響下,將是影響新館區營運的潛在危機。 本論文以「誘導式結構」為操作方法,以「臺北市立動物園熱帶雨林館水生態界面空間」為規劃對象,將檢視原本展場河道及內用水計畫,在最小更改原案展場設計之前提下,利用學理基礎與相關案例,及現有生態工法設計,提出37點關於水資源規劃原則,並交互推理洞察出推演出:「自然多層次環境互動劇場」、「若恃交織血管流內的養分」、「呼應各尺度需求達到永續」、「道法沛澤奧妙營造共生圈」、「重返自然圈參與循環疆徼」,5項規劃策略,制訂出搭配循環生命週期,讓水資源現地留用,更有效益使用水資源之定義,提出水資源整體規劃,以達到將水資源「現地留用」、「一水多用」及「零廢排」之目標與建議。


During the past decades, the global climate change has caused abnormal temperature and rainfall around the world, and the atmosphere changing affects the earth’s climate in return. And due to the increasingly uneven distribution of rainfall, the water resources will be more and more valuable. In the present generation, water is no longer just “resources”, but another essential “energy”. Taipei Zoo is the top landmark of the zoos in Taiwan; however, the zoo is an institution to meet public needs of showing (exhibition, landscape) and using (animals, tourists, watering, etc.) and thus demands huge water consumption. So an important issue is how to use water resources more effectively. Currently, Taipei Zoo has plans to remove the Nocturnal Animals House, and to use the present site and add the surrounding open space to build “Equatorial Rainforest Area”: The outdoor district will display animals of mixed species, using the water trench spaces around the exhibition areas; the indoor greenhouse gallery will display the aquariums, merging into a surrounding as the Amazon rainforest. The aim of building the new Equatorial Rainforest Area is to give educational effects to the public by simulating natural and ecological environment. However, if it achieves the goal, it will definitely consume huge water resources. In the future under climate change, the planet will provide the water resources under the influence of climate instability, which will bring potential crisis and affect the operation of the new area. This paper attempts to study “The Planning and Application of Water Resources to Taipei Zoo Equatorial Rainforest” with the “Heuristic Structure manipulation model”, to check the original exhibition areas and water resources projects with the minimum change in the original exhibition design, and use the theoretical basis and relevant case study in order to integrate ecological engineering designs. This study reviewed a variety of research papers and proposes 37 principles. Further mutually-inferred and systematic cross-referenced studies are narrowed down into 5 conceptual design directions as follows: 1.“The Interactive Theater as the Natural Multi-Level Environment”, 2.“To operate The Water Resources as the Human Vessels”, 3.“Respond to Each Scale’s Needs to Reach Sustainability”, 4.“Learning the Subtle Messages of Wetlands to Create the Cycle of Symbiosis”, 5.“The Application of Water Resources Should Follow the Cycle of the Nature”. The objective of this research is not only to examine the planning process and establish a guideline but to treat it as a project for the application of water resources in the future. And finally the study as a real planning and aim, and a suggestion of overall planning of the water life-cycle can realize the goals, “Local Use”, “Multiuse”, and “Zero Waste Water Emissions”, on water resources.


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王宇光(2015)。校園永續規劃 ─以系統生態學做為水資源與其環境教育之設計工具〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500717
